Clash Royale App Reviews
The Clash Royale app recently received 45 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. Users in the United States have given Clash Royale app an average rating of 4.59 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 2.8M ratings since its release on Aug 24 by Supercell. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Clash Royale?
2.8M global ratings
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45 Positive User Reviews for Clash Royale
Ami las arqueras me calientan mucho y la valquiria tiene un Gyat y ni se hable de la peka que culo dio mío
When playing 2v2 people will just leave if not going well. There should be a surrender function when that happens so no one has to sit in a 2 minute game, plus the teammate should be able to report that the teammate left the match and did not contribute
Good game but why is it not letting me play. When I tap on clash Royale it would kick me out
Just because you upgrade cards doesn’t mean you’re using them. This means that eventually, you reach a point where you can never win a battle because you are always mismatched. If this balancing issue can’t be resolved, it would be half decent for supercell to provide a reset for level and cards so that a player has a means to recover from this. (not the whole account, emotes, etc.) I would also understand if supercell makes no change because they want people’s money. 🤑💰😈
It’s fun & i enjoy it
It is a great game, but the one this I think is bad is how you punish players for losing matches so severely. You could be doing great and then lose a couple matches and lose over a hundred trophies! It makes it really hard for players who just want to play without paying money. I think that should be removed from the game.
I love this game super fun all of the above but I don’t like how when you lose a round you lose trophies I get the point but it’s also frustrating cause you can have a streak and lose one round and lose progress like I said I get the point is but that’s just my 2 cents still a great game tho love it 🙃
One of the best mobile pvp games you can get on the AppStore. Highly recommended!
I’ve been playing this for years and I totally commonly buy the battle pass. I have made good virtual friends in the clan I’m in.
I highly recommend this game once you get to the higher arenas it is so fun, I am currently on arena 11 and still am having so much fun
I like this game but what I hate is that if you lose a battle then it takes away 🏆🏆🏆 and it is unfair and I mean unfair
Clash Royale is a great game and I enjoy but I am always ALWAYS put up against level 12 when I’m only level 11. I get if it’s once or twice but 5 TIMES. Please make it more fair it’s impossible to play ladder.
It’s a good game the problem it’s or either they have jackers playing or game it’s not good for both players , the elegir goes super fast for the opponent but for me nah they take a while to go up in seconds the oponent has a lot of cards on game instead I need to wait a long time to get my elixir , not fair at all .
Great game. But I just want the cancel button to work
I think clash royal is the best game I think those people say this game is horrible but it really is good your probly bad or want attention plus I like the hooog riiider join the hog rider fan it’s a good clan plz I’m 12 so plz read this
I rate clash royale five stars but there is on problem. All my people go to attack a tower that is half way across the map. For example I place a prince on the right side of the map and it goes to attack a tombstone on the left side of the map. Other than this one thing that I greatly request is changed the game is very good and I recommend that you play it.
I love the game though sometimes it makes me mad but I still like it. The only down side is people having cards they shouldn’t have. How am I expect to fight a electro giant with a spam deck in ARENA 9!! Then there was also somebody with a clone spell and that unlocks in the legendary arena. I don’t know if you changed where those cards unlock or what, but if they shouldn’t have it in their current arena then it should be locked.
I love this game and I would play it on a daily. Until there was like a bug fix problem update or something. Whenever I’d long into clash royal it would say “updating..” so I went to the App Store to update but there was no update button. It would just say open. I have auto update on my phone so I thought it should’ve automatically updated but no. I refresh clash royal and the App Store every few times a day to see if something changed but nope. Clash Royale still says updating while the App Sto
Been playing the game for about 6 years. I sit around 5700 trophies so mid ladder. all i see is hog, mega knight, and electro giant. there is nothing being balanced for ladder and the only thing i enjoy now are 2v2 and wars, and even those are sometimes unplayable. so many thing to balance and fix and i have no motivation to play in ladder anymore due to the same cards being played almost every single game. it’s like i’m playing the same deck over and over again when i’m trying out new decks and
One thing I love about clash royal is that I can listen to music while playing
Thanks for making such a fun game
I have meet this dude Andrew for the third time this month and it’s getting real annoying
They are stupid and shouldn’t hit that hard. Trash 🤦🏽♂️
Free gems 🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠
How are people getting witch in arena two
EGIANT is more annoying then balloon. Would be a five star.
There certainly are cards/Combos that need nerfs but the game is nice (Lumber-loon, Healer Elixer, Electro Giant, Clone, and Mega Knight) But the biggest question I have is... Why shouldn’t I feed the barbarian after midnight?
I play this with my dad it is fun you should try it it is sooooooooooooooo fun
The new mini pekka art is absolutely disgusting. Change it back.
I like this game a lot, reminds me of force arena. Please add leaders
Sometimes hard to get a lot of trophies for arena and the cards are not very cool. Thank you!
Plz fix the game there a lot of players level that are hire then mine I can bearly handle
Everyone is so toxic and it is way too hard to get good 😔
This game is so good but sometimes I see people having a level 14 star level hog rider and I was in arena 5
Can people join my clan it’s name is ham sandwich and it has the coin logo
Don’t need to pay to play but a perfect blend of developers care and player care
Dear Supercell, I humbly request that you make triple draft a permenant game mode for party mode. It is a fun way to play, but it can be very limited at times. Please add triple draft to the game Guy
This game is trash for the reason that match making is rigged, I had level 11 cards and my opponent had level 14 cards.Supercell I’m very disappointed with this matchmaking for this reason I am quitting the game
If we could arrange our Emotes how ever we like for easier access it would be the BEST Creating emote decks to swap like we do with our cards would be amazing
I use elite barbarians rage spell
The game just keeps saying it got a update, but when I click on it itmlead me to app store and app store says the game isn't supported in your country or area when I choosed America.
Unfair match ups. If I’m a 13 with a rushed deck I’m versing people with fully maxed decks. Not just once but many matches in a row. If equal match ups this game would be so much better
Not that bad of a game I have been playing for 5 years and I like the ways it changes and adds more cards