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Coach's Clock App Reviews

Coach's Clock app recently received 18 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices, and 1 negative reviews. Users in the United States have given Coach's Clock app an average rating of 4.77 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 13 ratings since its release on Oct 16 by House Full of Games. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Coach's Clock?

Ratings and Reviews
Rated 4.50 out of 5

13 global ratings

5 Star
4 Star
3 Star
2 Star

Explore global reviews of the Coach's Clock app: Spain, Sweden, Germany.

18 Positive User Reviews for Coach's Clock

Perfect & Easy!

I wish I had found this years ago! Loaded on iPad in waterproof case and we are good to go for soccer season. At start of game I just show the ipad instead of yelling out eleven positioning instructions. Substitutions are clear and intuitive. The time tracking saves me from looking at the bench and wondering or having to ask who has been sitting the longest. Rec leagues usually require equal play time and with large teams that is an annoying challenge when you are also trying to direct the gam

Simple w/ no extras

Simple app for players and subs with time. Easy to swap players from sub to active but doesn't track position changes w/ subs . also has a log of all changes during game but not a clean report of total time in/out or any other bells or whistles. Only the basics and very simple

simple, no frills way to manage lineups on the fly

I'll compare contrast to: "coach wizard" and "soccer dad", big difference is that "coaches clock" lets you prep a line up on the fly then do a bulk substitution... which is ideal when you're subbing 5 kids at once. "coach wizard" and "soccer dad", while more feature rich, requires subs to be done one by one which is annoying while the game is going. I wish it did season tabulations, and tracked other stats (like assists, goals, saves, def stops, etc,.... the other apps do that), but for me, I'

Top app for sub management

I’ve tried all the soccer/coaching apps, and this one is the very best for managing substitutions in youth soccer games. Here’s why: * Simple interface * Fast performance * Multi-player subs are easy * You can show parents the playing time stats at the end of the game if they complain about their kid’s playing time.

As advertised

Does what it says. In addition to the feature recommended by the prior reviewer, I would suggest adding a countdown feature for the game clock to reflect time remaining rather than elapsed.


First year coach, loved the app did exactly as advertised !!! Little crowded on screen for soccer. But best clock management app.

Must have tool for all soccer coaches!

This is an awesome tool for all coaches. I would be completely lost without it. Perfect for making sure that all children have an even amount of time on the field and making sure that there's no favoritism. Must have!

Great app

Very useful and so easy to set up and use

Was good, clock stopped working right

Loved this last season but so far this spring it is not keeping accurate total time per player anymore.

Great app and easy to use

Very simple quick app to use! Love it!

Life Saver

I have been wracking my brain for a couple days now trying to come up with an easy efficient way of keeping track. I was writing all this down but found myself getting confused and missing important subs etc. This will really help!

Update made it very hard to read

The update changed the text color to black, making it very hard to read. Was a lot easier to read player names in white text.

Great Assistant

I've been using this for a couple years now for my youth soccer teams. Definitely recommend.

Really cool

Love this app! It makes it so easy keep kids' playing time equal and keep track of who I need to sub.

Great for 2 things

Works well for tracking time played and remembering the assigned positions which can be tough with younger players. Adding the ability to track goals would be a nice simple addition so a coach could see who scored and when.

Great App!

Thanks for building a simple easy to use app. I coach 2 soccer teams and this has been a lifesaver, especially when I don’t have an assistant to help with clock and sub management.

Thank you!

I coach without assistants a 9v9 side with 16 ten and eleven year olds. Thank you for saving my sanity with this app!

1 Negative User Reviews for Coach's Clock

Desperately Needs Update

Stopped resetting time under New Period. Would be useful to have a scoreboard function to allow you to keep score as well as player time.

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