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Combat of Hero App Reviews

The Combat of Hero app recently received 45 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices, and 6 negative reviews. Users in the United States have given Combat of Hero app an average rating of 4.56 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 329 ratings since its release on Jan 23 by Chengdu Lingfeng Mutual Entertainment Technology. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Combat of Hero?

Ratings and Reviews
Rated 4.58 out of 5

329 global ratings

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4 Star
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2 Star

Explore global reviews of the Combat of Hero app: France, Italy, Germany.

45 Positive User Reviews for Combat of Hero


I love this game it has so many good features and there is an intire story line and the game is free


I got the game today and I love it and I like the way that the character moves 🙃

It’s a good game

I like it bc the ninja and upgrades good game

so good

its freaking addicting i wish there wasn't energy but then again u just need to watch short ads to refill it back up

Very fun

I like it a lot it’s really addicting

Creeper! Awwwww man!

Fighting the chonkers is like fighting creepers! LOL Hit retreat hit retreat

Gud ebening

‘‘Tis game shall become popular beyond the years


This is such a good game. I just started playing it today and I’m already adiccted :)


This game is so fun I start 1 hour ago and I can’t stop playin it


I absolutely love this game because I love to have a feeling of power.

Best game of 2020

Do you have to Play its so fun I think you should come to the game and play you’ll see it fun too

Ok ads

Yes I his game is good and I play every day but there’s 2 things. Very rarely some of the English words will be Japanese. And then some ads wills be unable to X out of but other than that ez game play


Good but to many kpop questions like what


This game didn’t lie to me in the ads and all these stages are awesome just completed stage one LOL just got it


Kool af 👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿

I give it 5 stars

The game is the best game ever!

This game really fun

There lot of sword and fight it so awesome.

Wack ass N.i.g.e.r.i.a.n

Imagine a black man in real life able to do this

I’m Addicted!

This game is so fun yet so challenging! Love it


Everybody listen to me please download it I can’t stop playing it

Just wow

this game is simply perfect and extremely addictive. it is so well made and it’s challenging at some times which makes you just want to keep on playing and i’ve been playing it constantly and i don’t think i will ever get bored of it.

Awesome game

This game is amazing, without a lot of ads and addictive.This is an all around fun game to play.

Very pleased

Been awhile since I found a game that keeps my attention going thanks

A great app to play

Ninjas are straight 🔥 and this app is straight 🔥

Best Game Ever!

I Like How U Can Do Different Things And Level Up To Get Different Rewards,Abilitys & Other Things! It’s So Much Fun (Please Make An Update I Would Love If U Can) Download This Game! Your Missing So Many Different Things U Haven’t Seen!

Great game

This is a really decent game.I really like it. That’s why I rate 5 stars

Great game!

I got this game today and I’ve been playing non stop all evening! I don’t understand what people are y’all about when they say “buggy” and the ads are fine for me! Great game, keep up the good work! :D

This game is great

It’s so fun beating up the street thugs

So fun

So much fun and I love that you can level up and l hope you have fun with it to

Best game in the world

You seriously need to download this game it’s the best game in the world the only down side is you have to pay for some skins but it’s the best game in the world 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

The new slot

I think the new item slot should be a soulstone that increases your def

The adds

Every time I watch an add to revive or something in the middle of a fight, I resplendent, and then I have an add game. When that is over, I am dead again. I hope you fix this soon.


It’s a good game, lots of fun and all but the ads are really buggy so a lot of times i can end up dying in game or just not get any rewards.

Good game

I Totaly like this game i got so adicted and i have no prblems with the game in my opinión this game might be one of best game App Store or Google play might recomend you


One if the best games on my phone

It’s good

I love it and can’t stop playing

Quarantine and chill

This is a pretty cool game to play laying down watching YouTube or Netflix or whatever

Good power!

There is a lot of power I like! I like the auto attack it’s very good


So far it’s really fun. Giving it a four star as of now. Had the app for about an hr. When I play it longer I’ll come back and update

6 Negative User Reviews for Combat of Hero

Good game but scams you

This is a really good game but I spen 20$ to get a lengendary weapon but it only half unlocked even though it claims to unlock it


The game is great! However every single time I try to revive it kicks me off or I’ll watch ads for doubling up and don’t receive anything extra and it’s very disappointing and frustrating about to delete it entirely!!

Bs ads

Don’t bother trying to revive without auto attack on or it will screw you over every time the game will continue to play during the ad and you will die and it dose the same if you watch an ad to double your gear

Different complaint about ads than you’d think

If I watch an ad to get a bonus or a buff, I expect the game to not continue AS THE AD PLAYS, killing me (every time so far) while I wait for my bonus buff. I don’t mind the ads. Just fix them??? This is ridiculous.

Ad issue

Overall I’m really enjoying this game. But when the ads are used in game whether for boosts or revival they don’t close before the game continues and my character dies while the ad is still going. Please fix this bug.


This is amazing there an zero adds I highly reccomend it I got addicted to it immediately this game deserves 5 stars not just from the adds but the choices you make will affect your future in the game (UPDATE) the game added adds now.