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Contacts to Excel App Reviews

Contacts to Excel app recently received 12 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices, and 3 negative reviews. Users in the United States have given Contacts to Excel app an average rating of 2.11 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 9 ratings since its release on May 17 by Yuki. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Contacts to Excel?

Ratings and Reviews
Rated 4.17 out of 5

9 global ratings

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3 Star
2 Star

Explore global reviews of the Contacts to Excel app: Spain.

12 Positive User Reviews for Contacts to Excel

Excellent App

Great app love the different formats but would like to see the gmail format if possible. Definitely excellent app if you want to put your contacts to excel spreadsheet.

Awesome job

Wanted something simple yet effective w backing up my 500+ of contacts

Good job!

This app does exactly what it is suppose to do. I could have saved years of sleepless nights if this was around years ago. It captured all of my contacts an placed them on my desktop in excel. Wonderful!


This just saved me a good bit of time. Awesome and Thanks.

Biggoot boy

The files come zipped. I have to email it to myself so I can figure out how to open it. That's weird I can't just double click on it have have it open.

Finally!!! Mission Accomplished!!!

After downloading and finding three others that didn't work, this one did just the trick! Only took about 30 seconds and all of my contacts are now uploaded into my writing program. Thank you!

Worked when another didn't

When another app did not open in excel on my Mac this one did and exported all of my contacts. Very satisfied!


The anniversary column is blank, which is the reason I wanted to export my contacts

Worked great!

This app was perfect. I now have all of my contacts in a spreadsheet, saved on my PC and phone. Thanks!

3 Negative User Reviews for Contacts to Excel

Would be handy, but...

Adds a prefix qualifier (home: or work:) to every email address and I'm not smart enough to find a way to remove that quickly, so the list is more work than I had hoped for.


How do I import contacts? This is great to put to Excel, but I switched devices recently and want to import the contacts now.

Started to export got to 3000 contacts then crashed and saved nothing

Please setup so it can handle 27,000 contacts. Also be nice if it could merge duplicates. If have 3000-5000 should work fine and export excel file.

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