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Crossout Mobile Craft War Cars App Reviews

The Crossout Mobile Craft War Cars app recently received 45 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. Users in the United States have given Crossout Mobile Craft War Cars app an average rating of 4.65 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 6.9K ratings since its release on Sep 24 by Gaijin Distribution. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Crossout Mobile Craft War Cars?

Ratings and Reviews
Rated 4.31 out of 5

6.9K global ratings

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45 Positive User Reviews for Crossout Mobile Craft War Cars

Great game!

It’s definitely Pay2Play but I didn’t have to spend a lot to make a cool machine I can have fun with. Now, why can’t I craft or buy any paints? It shows the plus sign but never shows you, you can buy any paints just parts and components. Would be a nice update, just sayin, add paints to the market. Can’t just be out of pure luck I get Aquamarine AGAIN and then see others with cool colors.. 🤷🏻‍♂️

My game is crashing

This is my favorite game on mobile but I can’t enjoy it to the fullest because it is always crashing kicking me out so I can’t really finish building my car or use the market. I love this game and hope you can fix this glitch.

Transaction cancelled

You and this new trade system can go screw your selves! Wait all night for something to sell. And I find it back in my inventory! Between this and your credit card queens. Your really pissing me off! I suggest new management! Great game in concept. But fair match making and item availability really needs some work!

This game is so stupid

I mean I play this game on an Xbox but want it on mobile but can’t do the tutorial I can’t turn anything I only put 5 stars so they would see it


I have Asbergers Syndrome. On the Autism spectrum. This game keeps me calm and it’s like legos or knex. Loved those as a kid. Now I can build still and play! Love this game!!!!!


This game is good in terms of gameplay and what you can do but there’s just some things that make it a let down. When loading the game I get many offers to buy something making it basically pay to win with the amount of times they do this. It can also close the game entirely sometimes randomly. This game can be amazing but it just needs to stop with the game being pay to win.

It’s a pretty good game

I love Crossout on PS4, so shocked to see Crossout mobile I didn’t even know this existed. Good game Five stars

Love the game, have a suggestion

What about adding a feature to allow players to sell their own creations on the market in game, could add a new reason for players to come up with even crazier designs and adds a new way to make a profit on more than just parts

CrossOut mobile

This is one of the best games that have on my phone. I would think that any age could play this and not rage at the fact that you would die a lot. Even if I can’t do any pvp rounds, people’s creativity always inspires or intrigues me.

Too many shotgun spammers man

Can you please Nerf the shotguns in this game I see people having cars in their armament is just all shotguns please Nerf them

Best game I ever played

This game is amazing! There has never been any serious issues, 1 or 2 when there was no internet but nothing serious. You actually control your vehicle in battle you don’t just tap buttons. There is always more to achieve

Great game but some bad things in it

I was building a vehicle and the game kicked me out and I lost some parts and I can’t get them back



Amazing game (with one suggestion)

Amazing game, with amazing graphics, and amazing gameplay. When can vehicles fly? can we get propellers? but overall like I said 4 times it’s a amazing game overall


Pretty cool just too many adds pop up.


This game is so fun just the creativity of this game is amazing I love how you can make your own car and it’s just so fun I am very thankful that you made this game it’s helps me get through the day


just so gud of a game on pc and mobile

Controller support

For those that have iOS controllers we would like to be able to play as if it were console enabled make the controls the same as if I were on PlayStation or Xbox when controller in enabled. That will help popularity of the app thanks!

List of suggestions

- Helicopters - Airplanes - Capture the Flag - More Leviathan modes Love the game. Definitely enjoying the mech addition. But could use some flying machines, some different game modes added for each resource instead of basically the same game mode all round. Don’t like the fact we have to wait 6 hours to use our Levitation.. definitely need a resource mode for Levitations.


so far this game has been the best no glitches or nothin but I would like them to add the spider legs to the marketplace

What’s with the robots

I love the game when it’s battle vehicles. If I wanted to play with a robot I’d play war robots however I don’t want to play with a mech I want vehicles, more twisted metal less mech arena!!

Controller support

Please add controller support

I’m mad

When I play and I stop playing for more than a day the game take away my stuff I had to tracks and know I only have one can you explain

Russian bias

The veteran pack is a T-34 We have been gajined


It’s I great game not going to lie but I was wondering the you can add like a turret ring so where ever you look like it turns that direction that you look at. FYI just an idea f you want to add it

Some Glitches

Crossout is a really great game, but there are a couple of glitches. One is the steering, it is really finicky, and the other is crafting. I will spend a ton of resources to craft a new part and the game will take the resources, but I don’t get the part.

Good overall mobile game

Takes a while to get decent equipment, it’s a fun game to pick up without much investment. More frequent free subscription days 🎉🎉


Good 你愿意赔偿 多少赔点 坚持不赔也行 以后不可以

Very good

This game is very fun and really detailed but I’m a little mad about the market being closed and I’m just curious why it’s closed

The market stoped working

I don’t know why but for me I can’t use the market which makes it harder to play cuz I have to play longer


I love all the ways u can build and there’s so many items to play with I can’t find anything better really great game!

Great game

It’s a great game but I wish there was a good way to get gold coins without purchases

It’s overall a good game thing

but may I ask can we have a thing we’re we can link our accounts to the mobile app because I don’t want to have to start all over again

Good but extremely grindy

So it’s a great game totally recommend it but coins, way to hard to get. You have to wait 7 days to get 75 or watch an ad to get an extra 75 or you can craft blue rarity parts and sell them but that takes for ever! So if one of the developers is reading this can you have it give you like 1 or 2 per battle you win? Anyways great game

It has glitchs

ok one problem it has a building glitch it delete a part sometimes

Love it but one suggestion

I really love this game although it would be nice to have the option to craft epic weapons with talers or gold coins (just make a reasonable price).


A good car shooter. Battle pass is annoying lots of pops ups Initial idea of progression is confusing but once understood the game is quite fun especially for mobile.

super fun game

super fun game and challenging so much to earn and to have fun on the phone fun game i recommend this game to anyone who likes modernwarefare or any arsenal games

Amazing game

It is an amazing game. It is definitely the best of it’s kind and the game is just like the ads. It also has amazing graphics

It got bugged it is not letting build

OK so it freezes up and then I cant do any thing plz fix thx

Fun and creative game.

Bit hard to get how this works. But fun game


Oh gosh where do I begin this game is so good


This game needs to be supported by the Backbone device! It would be more fun and immersive if it were. Otherwise it’s still an fun game.

You needed for your next update

So you need flying cars and new maps you also need when you die you should respond like a human in third person You ShouldHave a water map that you can drive boat and fight

Best game

Please add legs but still best game ever