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Daily Bible Trivia: Quiz Games App Reviews

The Daily Bible Trivia: Quiz Games app recently received 45 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. Users in the United States have given Daily Bible Trivia: Quiz Games app an average rating of 4.95 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 75.2K ratings since its release on Sep 24 by Super Lucky Games LLC. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Daily Bible Trivia: Quiz Games?

Ratings and Reviews
Rated 4.89 out of 5

75.2K global ratings

5 Star
4 Star
3 Star
2 Star

Explore global reviews of the Daily Bible Trivia: Quiz Games app: Spain, Sweden.

45 Positive User Reviews for Daily Bible Trivia: Quiz Games

Starts simple

Starts very simple but then makes uthink

Having fun

I’m truly having fun!

Remarks of Bible review

Best game ever to test your Bible knowledge. Love it!


I really enjoy answering the questions. However I do not like the ads and I wish there was away of removing them without paying to do that.

Other Languages

I wish you have the app in other languages especially Arabic

Learning the Bible

I am happy to have this app. I am learning so much about the Bible.

Great bible app

I am low key addicted! Helps me sharpen my memory of the scriptures🙂

Awesome challenge and fun

Easy fun challenge


Love having an alternate way of learning new and remembering old Biblical scripture. I Love it

Gods word stays within our hearts.

I love playing this game. It keeps me sharp in the word I’m amazed how fast it comes back to me. Thank you

Excellent Biblical game

I love this game because it lets me know where I am weak in my understanding of the Bible.

A Refresher of knowledge

You find out how much you actually know. Enjoyed the game.


This game is teaching a lot of what I never knew. But also really fun when I do know the answers for sure. But can be surprised when I chose the wrong answer on what I thought was a for sure. All in all love this learning experience.

I love it!

Helps me study the Bible and learn something new daily. Thank you


I know more than I thought. Good to remember what I forgot.

Helps me to know what I need to study and what I have retiring from childhood, and still remember

I love this game I enjoyed being able to see how well I'm doing. It gets harder as you go along and it helps me to think and study.

Nice Practice

I really like the game but, wish I could do without the ads.

Mr Yancey

This game has taught me sooo Much about god and the Bible. I love learning and this is a Very nice way to do it even my son plays it with me and he’s 12!


Helps your know about how much you know the Bible


Too much trouble to get gems


It’s a great game in that it challenges your biblical skill set and knowledge of the Bible; however, I gave it 4 stars, because I do not like the “pick a card” portion of the games where you win 2x’s or 4x’s the amount received. The “pick a card” portion of the game remind me so much of tarot cards, which defies God and His holiness. I like the advancements that the pick a card gives you while playing. I just wish there was a way to continue doing that without having to “pick a card”. That’s j

Our Father

Getting the knowledge of the word..love it!

Daily Bible Trivia

It’s a great and fun game

It’s a no for me

WAY TOO MANY ADS!! I enjoyed the trivia, but these long ads every couple of minutes was just too much. Deleting


It’s a great game. It’s helps me to know the word of God. It’s making me happy. I love the way the questions and answers lay out.

Love it!

Great games, tests your Bible knowledge.

It’s really run💓

It’s fun when you know the answers 😂😂I feel like a Bible Scholar😂

It really good.

I really like it.

Getting to know the Bible Better

I Am becoming closer to the word of God The Father .. I Love the Journey and going forth in the word and applying it ... I’m praying you can reach the world 🧡

Bible Trivial

Great game😊for the family.

Bible trivia game

It’s very fun and educated and informative.. you can learn a lot of the Bible with this amazing game totally recommend

Bible Fun 🎉🎉

Bible Trivia is great. It test what you know and let you know what you don’t. However, it helps you get into your bible daily by wanted to know and learn more.


Wonder game to play

Not evey question is from the Bible

Good but not all the things in here are from the Bible. The 7 deadly sins are not in the Bible, that’s man made

Love this game!!

This is a great reflection of what the word says and especially on a daily basis.

Doesn’t label levels

I don’t know if I’m just missing it but there doesn’t seem to be a way to see what level you’re on

Great reinforcement of the WORD

I enjoy playing this game as it ensures me I know to study the Word which leads me to salvation.

Bible Trivia

I love Bible Trivia apps.

Bible Trivia

It is a great game to play

Fun trivia game

Really enjoy Bible trivia

Wonderful bible game

This game is a great learning experience


I enjoy the game it helps me with what I know and helps me on what I have forgotten.

Bible quiz question s

Great game to help you know important about the Bible

Praise God!

This is an awesome game that the whole family can enjoy, while increasing/refreshing your knowledge of the Bible. It’s a great Christian game. I love it!!


I like the questions. But I DONT like the money part of it. I find it a little distasteful. That you win coins (Money) for answering the questions right. It just don’t seem RIGHT to ME.