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Date Master 3D App Reviews

Date Master 3D app recently received 20 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. Users in the United States have given Date Master 3D app an average rating of 4.63 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 2.9K ratings since its release on Oct 21 by Lion Studios. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Date Master 3D?

Ratings and Reviews
Rated 4.65 out of 5

2.9K global ratings

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2 Star

Explore global reviews of the Date Master 3D app: Italy.

20 Positive User Reviews for Date Master 3D

Really cool game

I really like this game whoever wrote this game or who ever made in this game it’s so perfect continue the good work I will give it a 10 out of 10 so good


Hi there I love how you can make a new one in your room at your home on your phone with the family

This game is amazing

Hi my name is Scarlett and I love this app I saw someone on YouTube her name is LaurenZside and I really wanted to play this game ever since and I finally found the game I hope u guys love the game too!


Sadly 5 for no reason


So before I downloaded this game I was depressed.I would cry myself to sleep every night,But thanks to this game my skin is clear ,my dad came back home and stop is violent ways,and I have new friends!Thanks to this game I was able to find god.Bottom line get this game!!!‼️‼️‼️❤️

What about the girl!?

I love this app but it just is not right because why can’t you be a girl your a guy and can only date girls or why can’t you just be a girl tell me that whoever reads this you better go tell you parents you like simple dimples and pop it’s.

It’s fun

It’s fun but it could be a bit weird in a way.


When I first got this game I loved it 🥰

Love game

I love this game it’s too perfect that I’m going to scream

About innaproprite stuff

I love this game so much but on the truth or dare I don’t wanna see the conserlesd thing in black over her boobs I wanna see ty be real boobs and I’m old I’m 20 and pls make it where I can see innaproprate stuff pls

Looooove this game

I love this game because I love romance game they gut so cute so if you don’t like this game you wrong😂

Omg 🤣

People get so mad over nothing!!! ITS A GAME!!!! Game: play pretend video or computer games.

Awesome game

It’s the most spicy game I have ever played


I really like the game, but I don’t think there needs to be so many adds, but overall it’s really funny ☺️

Cursed gold

This game is hilarious, repetitive and wayy to many ads but it’s so cursed its just too funny, anyone who takes this game seriously needs to take their meds and shut up😂😂😂


Listen up parents this game is not safe for kids under 12. I am 12 about to turn 13 so us teenagers love this game I do! But for little kids sake it’s not safe. So for you and you kids sake don’t!


It’s nice it’s nice but I love it but take the censored stuff off

Date Master

I love playing Date Master and the game is very very cool and I hope you can make more games like this please please


Ya I really agree with the first comment so Chang the age it 10 and up. That would be better

Great Game

It is a very good game but I would like to see more content

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