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Dodge Agent App Reviews

Dodge Agent app recently received 21 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices, and 2 negative reviews. Users in the United States have given Dodge Agent app an average rating of 4.70 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 22.8K ratings since its release on Mar 24 by Lion Studios. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Dodge Agent?

Ratings and Reviews
Rated 4.19 out of 5

22.8K global ratings

5 Star
4 Star
3 Star
2 Star

Explore global reviews of the Dodge Agent app: Spain, France, Italy.

21 Positive User Reviews for Dodge Agent

Awesome Game

It is so fun and amazing

Power of friend ship

This game is a some kind of rainbow because it is amazing in many ways.

Best Game ever

It Is but Don’t make Cringe adds and stuff

I can do stuff

I love it so much


This game really deserves 5 stars, it’s THAT good

Lion needs to stop making games

Bro lion are the ones that make ALL of these kinda games with add every second COULD YOU JUST STOP LION

Honestly not worth it

Sure the game is fun but there is an ad every time you complete a level I had to go on airplane mode to stop the ads but then you can’t get the skins so ya not worth it

Cool one

I’m only on level 1, but so far, the game is good


The game is pretty good but there are way to many ads

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It’s ok

This is a good game but there is SO MANY ads.And it’s sometimes looks like you hit the laser buts a it’s a good game so I give it a little low review.


This game is amazing, so many adds would be better with so many adds

To short

What I mean by to short is a mission as four lasers and the mission is over.there are a lot of ads too.

Whoever made the game

Whoever made this game is so amazing 🤩

The game is good but..

It has too many ads. Literally every time you pass a level there’s an ad and it’s really annoying. Ik that’s where the money comes from but it’s not enjoyable If I recibe an ad all the time.

Too many ads

Game is fun but there is an ad after every level I understand developers need to make money but two are three levels in between ads would make this game more playable


The game is great but there is a bug where I cannot see anything.

It’s not bad….

So I have been playing for a few minutes and I don’t think anything of it, until I realize the Background and character is completely black! Please fix this it started to get really annoying.

Not enough unlockable players

I really want some more black people in this game

2 Negative User Reviews for Dodge Agent

No no no

Too many ads and it’s so boring! You should really have a better game! I do not like it. I am disappointed

Needs some Work

Remove the large words, use regular controls instead of drawing and make it go faster. It’s very laggy

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