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Drive Safe & Save® App Reviews

The Drive Safe & Save app recently received 8 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices, and 3 negative reviews. Users in the United States have given Drive Safe & Save app an average rating of 4.55 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 293.5K ratings since its release on Sep 24 by State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Drive Safe & Save?

Ratings and Reviews
Rated 3.38 out of 5

293.5K global ratings

5 Star
4 Star
3 Star
2 Star

8 Positive User Reviews for Drive Safe & Save

Good App

I would give it 5 stars if it would record ALL my driving. It's way to sensitive on the braking.

Braking threshold way to low

In normal city driving where the yellow light duration is pretty short expect to get dinged on your score often. This app seems to encourage users to run yellow lights in order not to get dinged on their score. The braking algorithm sensitivity needs to be changed to be more realistic with normal city traffic light timing.


The cornering is way to sensitive!

Super sensitive!

This app is very sensitive! If you go around a corner at or slightly below the post speed it dings you for to fast. The same is true for braking. To avoid a lower score you have to go well below the speed limit on a curve often resulting in getting honked at. Seems ridiculous to me!

App readings

I think this app is a little out of whack in its readings for acceleration. I never use my phone while driving yet am marked down for phone distraction. Other drivers can often necessitate sudden braking. I consider myself to be an excellent driver.

3 Negative User Reviews for Drive Safe & Save


The speed limits are VERY inaccurate. I keep getting dinged for do 73 miles per hour in a posted 75 zone, the app says it’s a 55 mile per hour area. The hard braking is also very unrealistic. Other than that it’s ok.

Need upgrade

Breaking is not realistic too sensitive


Many times braking is not reasonable as you must stop quickly to avoid accident or injury to a pedestrian.