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Dungeons & Miners App Reviews

The Dungeons & Miners app recently received 7 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. Users in the United States have given Dungeons & Miners app an average rating of 3.77 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 47 ratings since its release on Nov 21 by Gaspar Mereu. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Dungeons & Miners?

Ratings and Reviews
Rated 4.00 out of 5

47 global ratings

5 Star
4 Star
3 Star
2 Star

Explore global reviews of the Dungeons & Miners app: Germany, Spain, France, Italy.

7 Positive User Reviews for Dungeons & Miners


I have no idea why this game doesn’t have all 5 star reviews! Such an awesome game! Great old school pixelated animation, funny story-line, entertaining mixture of hack & slash plus mining… what more could you ask for? It takes a little bit to really get into so give it time, you won’t regret it! P.S. Now that I’ve played this game for quite a while I keep running into a force close big, which is very frustrating! Seems like it happens when I try and enter a new door in a dungeons in the mine. P

Great game and left me wanting more

I bought the game because I liked what I saw, and I couldn’t put it down until I finished it. I wish there was more! Like a D&M2!!!

Patience helps

Worked through much of this, found lots of tressures, coins & crystals. Never could fix the castle, nor find missing people . Not sure why. Flew with the dragon to a new location; couldnt kill, or even hurt the giant spider. Completed almost every treasure but almost no quests. Found prisnors below castle, but couldn't help them. Lots of puzzling things. Fun to try , worth checking out .

Bug report

I went into the tavern talked to the guy and it crashes my game idk why this is happening so can you fix it or is it just my phone

Korean language support request

Korean language support request

Great game

Great game very fun but I lost my imp and can’t get it back due to a bug I’ll change my rating if they fix this.

Is fun when it doesn’t crash

Many consistent crashes, black bars, falling through the earth, not dying at the bottom or when cloud covers you… so much potential but just a buggy mess for now :-(