Fallout Shelter App Reviews
The Fallout Shelter app recently received 41 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. Users in the United States have given Fallout Shelter app an average rating of 4.77 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 505.5K ratings since its release on Jul 24 by Bethesda. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Fallout Shelter?
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41 Positive User Reviews for Fallout Shelter
Not much diversity Just same stuff but engaging for few days
Great game. Very entertaining! The whole family competes and has a blast!
Came back after long hiatus, this game is awesome.
Add new updates to make the game better
I have to play this game on 3 devices that’s how good it is +it has a harder mode if the games to easy for you I approve a lot
there are no popup ads at all so far and the only ones that you get is the ones you chose to play
Please add Backbone support
Good game but if you leave for an hour everything goes wrong. It feels like you need to be on it 24/7
This game is straightforward and does gradual updates that aren't over the top. Impeccable Work Bethesda ; hope to see added weapons and armor as more fallout games get released 👍🏼
This is such a fun game it will keep you occupied all day a there is kind of No end you just building your vault and you can change your vault number change dwellers names and everything thing in your the shop is at fair price and you only get ads if you want a guaranteed rush of if you want a prize for watching one and the amount of effort in this game is great so 5 stars thank you developers
Hello Bethesda! If you see this thank you for your time. This game is my favorite mobile game I’ve played all fallout and most of the elder scrolls games and I love this game but I wish there was new building, and new gameplay type elements into the game one building I think would be cool would be like a shop where you could buy weapons or armor or even maybe a settlement you could go to and help build it and trade with it and finally maybe add a pet death claw (if that already ain’t in the game
Great game but a creative mode would be nice you could place as many people as possible and place as many rooms as you like and spawn rad roaches and raiders and a menu infinite stats that you can turn on and off and play around with the dwellers S.P.E.C.I.A.L and a longer area for room placing so you can have a huge vault
So I have been playing for a while and have enjoyed it. However I am stuck on the diplomatic mission where it says loading but then goes back to my shelter. Tried restarting the game and even waiting until the next day and still the same glitch.
This game is way to underrated, easy 5 stars in my opinion.
Richer froster is cheating on other dwellers can you change that I don’t like it
Okay okay, this game is good but I have the max dwellers *200* and there’s still babys waiting to be born… how do I get rid of them?…
Fallout shelter es un juego muy divertido y adictivo, por que enviar moradores al yermo y ver que podrían traer y esperar que no mueran es muy entretenido, es como un juego al azar. La satisfacción que te da crear nuevas salas o que llegue un nuevo moderador es indescriptible. 10/10 para un día en el que estés aburrido o si quieres un juego de crear tus propias estructuras, ciudades o en este caso, búnkeres.
Its the same game as before. They patched the infinite lunchbox glitch too :( Edit: they updated the game with a few new content items relating to fallout 76. There’s no overhaul to the game, just some new items and the weapons don’t even have damage scaling and the preexisting crafting system can’t even accommodate for it. You better craft all the craft only items or else they get removed.
I’ve only had this gam for five days — if anything happens to my dwellers I will kill everyone in the room and then myself. 10/10
The game is fun and to know the game more you should play fallout 4 to know more about this game the fallout shelter is fun because of how you level up and simple it is.
For those people who like to build bases and upgrade your base then this game is for you!
A great holiday game to download and play for seasonal updates and quests. I definitely wish my stuff saved so I could have it on my new phone though… (2022-11-21) I’ve been playing this game for a long while now. Come back every holiday month for the unique quests. I got a notification of Vault 31 Halloween quest, but it won’t show up in my quest log. Also what’s up with the guaranteed rush now being 38,684h 59m, thats 1,500+ days. (Date unknown)
If you like bossing people around this is the game for U
I thank you so much for giving me the alien drone pet thanks!
To start off I’ve always been a big fan of fallout. And this just makes my love of fallout even better! I love all the mechanics and how you can send your dwellers on adventures. And the fact that you can get handyman’s and power armor. Overall great game couldn’t be any better. Great job developers
Its is so so so fun but it just need little time to leave up
I love this game it is a fun time passer and has lots of content. With that being said The only thing I would change is more opportunities to get lunchboxes before you unlock the overseer’s office.
I really enjoy the game I’ve been playing it for the past couple of days straight and no issues but now i have run into a serious bug where i can’t build the weapon workshop i click build and nothing happens I’m not able to press the build Icon nor does it display where it can be built. I really enjoy this game and I’d love to advance further but this is a very disheartening thing to come across and i don’t know what to do.
Love the game but since they added in the Magic the Gathering ads they freeze and crash my game when I try to do the ad rewards stuff. So I miss out on lunchboxes and such. Other than that love the game
The amount of times I get a deathclaw attack is insane! I cannot make any progress if I am constantly attacked! Other than that, fairly good game. However, I would suggest incorporating fallout 1 and fallout 2 items into the game.
Good time filler type game when waiting around.
Most wonderful perfect game but once you finish there is nothing more.. no updates.. nothing new.. i love it so i am laying again from the beginning but i have nothing to look forward to.
Big ol feathery rectum
I. Rate 5. Stars because its a really great game.
Would be pretty cool if dwellers who come from the wasteland can be problematic maybe cause issues..to give more reson to kick them out and have some more loyal than others add like security rooms or rooms designed for dwellers to be placed to defend for attacks… I’ve been playing scince the beginning and also on consoles absolutely love y’all for being in my life every step of the way
While I’m playing this game I always feel really bad for the dwellers because they never get a vacation, so what if y’all add a resort room that increases their happiness. I know, I know. I’m genius. No need to thank me, developers.
Its the same game as before. They patched the infinite lunchbox glitch too :(
This game has nice graphics and everything play fallout 4 I have it and it helps Understand the basic’s of this game
It’s a little hard but really really fun
This game really keeps you going. I know it’s weird, but even just staying logged in so I can press the resources is fun, every aspect is addicting. I don’t like how on the left you can have 3 spaces, the middle you can have 3, but the left you can only have two!! It’s killing me. I love the missions and sending people out to explore. The enemies are pretty difficult to kill too when they invade. My people are all low level but I’m trying my best to keep them alive.
This game is honestly depression curing like when I’m sad/angry I just go play fallout shelter it’s the best honestly my favorite game out of all the games