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Fantasy Football Draft Kit UDK App Reviews

Fantasy Football Draft Kit UDK app recently received 14 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. Users in the United States have given Fantasy Football Draft Kit UDK app an average rating of 4.91 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 12.6K ratings since its release on Aug 24 by Engaging Media LLC. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Fantasy Football Draft Kit UDK?

Ratings and Reviews
Rated 4.93 out of 5

12.6K global ratings

5 Star
4 Star
3 Star
2 Star

14 Positive User Reviews for Fantasy Football Draft Kit UDK

Best Always

With the exception of Josh being loud on the show😉, the ballers content is the best!!!

Great work Ballers

I think the guys behind the scenes need more credit for how great this product is. Cheers!

Great show, great app

Having the companion app makes listening to the podcast that much more enjoyable. It’s a super helpful ranking reference and source of news. Plus, I submitted a feature idea and one of the Ballers themselves responded to me and implemented the idea super quickly. These guys hustle!


Saves alot of time. Take a little from each footballer and run with it.

Gotta get it!

Truly the best way to keep up with anything fantasy football related.

Premium product from a premium team

The UDK has so much great info. Perfect for any fantasy football addict or newbie.

The most proven tool to win

Yes, I am biased, but I use this every year and independent third party reports say that the UDK is the #1 most commonly used tool for champions after the season.

Two Thumbs Up

Best Fantasy Football advice ever!!

Player Profiles?

Are the video player profiles available on the UDK?

Destroy the competition

Just kidding, there is no competition if you are using this app. Also enjoy the podcast and you will become a legend


Big fan! Been listening for years and just grabbed the UDK. Pumped for the year! Edzo3188

Big Thanks!

You guys and your team are one of a kind! Thank you for endless entertainment and dedication to your listeners. #1 in the industry by far. Big thanks to Papa Josh! Made my day!


UDK is great…love the team analysis this year

League winning info

This very detailed app with breakdowns, rankings, and player profiles as well as risk meters and a bunch of other projections has helped me dominate my leagues. Won 2-3 leagues and came in 3rd in the final one last year. Incredible insight into all things fantasy!!!

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