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Farming USA 2 App Reviews

The Farming USA 2 app recently received 45 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. Users in the United States have given Farming USA 2 app an average rating of 4.32 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 3.6K ratings since its release on Dec 21 by Bowen Games LLC. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Farming USA 2?

Ratings and Reviews
Rated 4.60 out of 5

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45 Positive User Reviews for Farming USA 2


Won’t let me load a single player game??

Good game

GG it needs help with character mobility and truck and tractor customizations add some construction stuff to and add dump trucks but overall it’s a great game GG developer GG

Love the game

Great game best framing game that I have played on mobile for long time

I am banckrup

All my cows are dining I need a game Lon

The game is the best farm game

This game is really fun since I own cattle in real life I wish you can get horse and be able to ride them and y’all need to put in a cattle trailer and a half top cattle trailer and sorting pin’s work you cattle i know it’s a lot to ask for but it would be nice if y’all add those.

Add more livestock

Can y’all add new breeds of cows. Some sheep , horses, goats, please add livestock auctions to bid on livestock separating pens, sheep and cattle squeeze shoots, saddles, branding animals and taging animals too would make this game a lot more fun


I really do like this game however, I would like the time lapse to be faster so I could skip the farming and grow my herd faster The snow is fine but I wish it didn’t take so long to move snow and make it so hard to get through. I know that is what makes it realistic, but it’s a pain when I would be running the feedlot and pastures at the same time.

Fun game

Having fun playing the but when my dad comes on my wold he is putting in the right password but it. won’t let him in my game.

Great game, when is the new update it’s been A while 2024

it’s been years since the last up date can we have another one ?? and should add more trucks and stuff. do a online public rooms please


I think the game is due for a update

You sound add more maps

It’s a good game but some times it glitches but I think that it could use more maps 👍🏻.

Being able to choose what type of farmer you want to be

The game is great over all but having to start as a grain farmer well isn’t that fun so I think that you should be able to choose what type of farmer you want to be such as a Dairy farmer, beef farmer, hog farmer etc. If there are anymore updates to come that is what I would like to see along with the 50,000 dollar money pack free because when I first started playing I got into some financial difficulties and had to restart multiple times until now. Thank you for your time and have a blessed day

The best farm game

I love the sounds and the tractors my favorite is John Deere keep up the good word Bowen game’s!!

Dodge trucks

Can you add a second gen dodge? And a 2009 GMC Sierra 2500 Denali?

Farming USA two

I love this game but I would like to see see where it it has different trucks more realistic in MX like 20 farming simulator 2022 but different because it’s on a phone or tablet make it look for McKinley 2022 please

Best mobile farming game I’ve ever played but

Great game love it, but honestly, there’s two things missing. Starter sounds and graphics. And also I really really wish you could install straight pipes on some of the tractors like the big blue tractor, which I guess is a ford tw35. The ford has to be my favorite tractor on the game. And I also wish you could specify either 2 wheel drive or 4 wheel drive. That would please me very much. Again, great game . Keep up the good work.

Stuff to add

You should add winches on the pickups add more trucks and add a sled deck for the snowmobile


I had the game on my phone and i had spent like 20$ on this game buying money and then i got a new phone and i didn’t get and of my money back or my vehicles or fields and i can’t refund or restore my purchases so now i’m just out of 20$ and everything i had on the game what do i need to do

Great game

Great game dude keep up the good work the only prob I ever have is the 4430 loses sound sometimes and a have to sell it and buy it back but I have all the dlc plus the hunting(great touch btw) I do have one question tho and that is what will the next dlc or add on be thanks-dylan collins-service tec at farm depot Caro Mi

Make it like fs 22

It would be cool if you had character customization so that you can be bean our not

Carter hebert

I wish you guys would add an actual case quadtrac and that you wouldn’t just have them as a the John Deere with different colors

Update ideas

Add new trucks without the pass and different beds and customization and trailer brands (PJ) and be able to open doors and go inside buildings and be able to load stuff in the horse trailers and be able to open doors on inclosed trailers like the camper and horse trailers

Can you please do more updates

Live the game but there hasn’t been any updates In years and would love to see new tractors and better tillage equipment and air seeder tenders that go on the back of the seeder

Best farming game I’ve had

I love the game and the logging is awesome .maybe you could make a logging USA

Add Game Center achievements

It would be nice if you could add Game Center achievements, also it would be nice if you could add slider control left and right handed options.


Great game would like to see more logging equipment in the next update

I have a suggestion for the articulated tractor with tracks

So i like the tractor i mostly use it for the big planter and big disk its a very usefull tractor but for the suggestion i was thinking maybe ad a option where you could ad single wheeles dual wheeles triple wheeles or tracks. If u guys could do that i appreciate it but its a very good game if i rated 1 through 10 i would pick 10 (if I misspelled by accident its bc im like 9 years old)


Please add Jobs That you can get money for It will make me happy

A few bugs

First I would like to see no more equipment I’d also like to start with more money 💰 please fix this for me

Please read this and make all these changes

Can you make it to where you can open doors can you make it to where you can build out your own farm and make a feed truck and make it to where you can open doors to vehicle’s and add more tracktors and trucks and trailers please add a fertilizer trailer and arc trailers for a Utv and arc ramps and can you add where you can costumize vehicles and make more hay equipment and make a bigger map and ai driving and more semi’s

More equipment

You guys should add a lot more equipment and let people have fires anywhere like logging wood and be able to add a pond or lake where you can have a mini ice fishing game too

Nice things

Have a Ford Mustang make truck lower or lifted and mud trucks and drag cars and a drag race road.

Love the game

I love the game and it is so realistic but I would like it if you could have more tractor options without paying for the packs and I would really like to be able to play multi player for free and not have to buy it. I would also like it if you could go inside your house and have like actual furniture and other decor so that it looks like a house on the inside. Better sound effects would be nice also if the truck had jakes. The map itself could be bigger with more town or different grain elevator


I love the game but wish that it had a bigger livestock trailer for pickup trucks and had horses

More tractors and bigger fields

I wish you could add bigger fields and update in more tractors

Farming simulator USA 2

Love this game I wish that some things could be better about it I’m great details I just wish you could buy a chainsaw at the stores Think this game is great again I wish that you can buy chainsaws at the store scheme is great love it all I wish that the packs didn’t exist you have to pay $15 to unlock a pack or multiple packs lovers game really hope you can help me with the chainsaws and that other people can enjoy this game to the great game for learning how to farm all the attachments and lit

New updates

Hey love the game just wondering when you’re going to do any updatesPacifically to the multiplayer Has a lot of bugs


I love the game but wish that it had a bigger livestock trailer for pickup trucks and had horses

Farming USA 2

Great game needs a fuel trailer though

Suggestions for future updates

You should be able to rent/lease equipment so you don’t have to spent thousands of dollars on a small job or add a new crop plz and thanks for the great game keep up the hard work (and will there be a farming USA 3 in future years?)

My thoughts

It’s a good game but there is some stuff that I would like to be fixed if you could please fix the camera controls. And on the map show what fields you own thank you.

Great game

Great game but I wish there were more engine sounds and more semis like some with oversize signs and those orange lights on top of the truck and also some more harvesters and sprayers but other than that great game

New to the game

How does the feed mill work???

Foxy Roxy

Can you make the camper where you can go inside of it at night


I love the game but wish that it had a bigger livestock trailer for pickup trucks and had horses