FL Studio Mobile App Reviews
The FL Studio Mobile app recently received 45 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. Users in the United States have given FL Studio Mobile app an average rating of 3.88 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 232 ratings since its release on Sep 24 by Image Line Software. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about FL Studio Mobile?
232 global ratings
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45 Positive User Reviews for FL Studio Mobile
Can we please get a chord generator?
ive been using this for about 2 years and ive noticed some things. 1, if you get an audio clip, then idk chop it up, inbetween every slice thing theres a weird click sound and it messed up tracks. 2, there should be some things added, like controlling the tempo, a slicer where you can actually slice it yourself, and a way to turn the volume up without it sounding like you put distortion on it. if it had these it would be a 5 star
This app is great for making music if you practice for a while, but I constantly lose progress or even my whole song because of a mistake or a crash, you NEED a save revert or backup feature! It’s so annoying to lose everything you’re working on! The app is good besides that, but this alone loses two stars
I think this is overall a good go to for FL but I want a specific feature to be added I’d say tempo automation ? 🤔 I’m tryna make EDM but automations would be necessary for it
So randomly I will be working on a song, and I’ll close my phone for the night. Normally I don’t save and stuff because I’m just putting my phone in test mode, but the actual problem is that when I’ll re open FL Studio, it has made an entirely blank song in the place of what I was working on last night. There is a chance it is just my phone, but just in case beware of that happening. And don’t save random new songs
I use this app a lot, since october 2022, and I was swayed over with the slides update, but THE SLICER NEEDS SLIDE NOTES. I dont have the money for the directwave computer app (I got this app for my birthday). Please. add. SLIDE NOTES!
really curious as to why they just left out resample timestretching? i love this app, i make a lot of Jungle music on it often on the go, but unless you want to manually tune each sample, there is no way to timestretch any resamples. i feel like that is an overlooked mistake with this app. honestly expected better from FL. not upset, just really confused how they left that out loll. will give 5 stars once this is solved. while i am at it, no gross beat? lol, come on guys.
Several people I know need this feature, OH and for exporting… you think you can add a visualizer? It would be so cool!
I love FL studio, and have owned full kit on PC for years now. But the layout and what you can do on the app is very different. There are nice features that I don’t think are on the pc version, like selecting the key, and it’ll only let you use the notes of that key. Stuff like that. But as far as instrument packages, and synths, and things alike, the selection is a bit limited. Also, construction the song on a playlist and all that, it’s not as easy as it is on pc.
I’ve been using fl studio mobile for 5 months on my iPad and it’s really fun in my opinion and I’ve enjoyed the process of making music on it. I have encountered some small bugs a couple times that can be annoying but it’s still a really good and easy app to use. I do wish for more effects, better instruments and a little more customization. Thank You Image Line for this cool app!!!
Its not bad but it really needs fixing. I also believe there should be slides/mono slides on slicers
Very consistent with trying to improve the quality of the app and the ability to cross platforms from the phone to the computer makes it easy to expand on ideas and for the price of the app it was worth the money
Good app, I’m a long time user, but multiple things are missing so I’m hoping for an upgrade soon but multitrack recording hasn’t been working for me and tbh the plugins on pc are making me consider switching
I have the latest version and ever since it updated the FX channel for audio clips doesn’t work. What I’m trying to do is have the audio fade out and it doesn’t work.
With new content being added frequently and an ever evolving interface, if you’re looking for quality this is the DAW for you.
Okay it’s a good app, just, look for solutions to the problems, idiots (I mean the people who complain, not you image line)
I’ve made my money back bout 1000 times it’s worth it if you complaining about the last few updates you should open a book or go to school
Been using this for almost a year or longer and just to say it looks much stunning! I’m used to the old UI that the changes surprisingly made it feel easier to use, for me at least. The new looks for Yr23 are going to be Fire in my opinion. Hope to See more Positive Review Counts Yr23! Keep up that Productivity! You rock!
It’s a good app just I wish it had the layerchords that are in the pc version
Ever since I updated my mac, fl studio mobile now keeps on crashing as soon as I open it. Idk if I should reinstall because I dont want to lose all my projects. Other then the crashes, I love this app. I bought fl studio mobile first on my android phone and loved it so as soon as I got my mac I decided to buy it as well. It allows me to use my midi controller and it also allows me to use sounds from outside its preset library. I recommed getting this app if you are starting to get into music pro
The app is good and all, but it’s bad a little because it keeps crashing when i try to select from directwave, or slicer but i hope you guys fix that in the future but something i suggest you Guys should do is add sf2 or called soundfonts.
Forest I stopped using it because no auv3 please do something because I rather use this app it’s the only major daw that don’t support the rest of them do
I’ve been using flm for about a month now and I’m loving it! But one thing that lots of other mobile daws have is auv3 support. auv3’s were something I found my self relying on, but now using flm I need to use them in other daws and import the wav file to fl. It’s a minor inconvenience, but I feel many people would benefit from it being added. When you add a track there’s 2 sections, channel, and synth, there could be a third row called au or plugins that would list all auv3’s on your device and
I love this. I’m not good at making music but this makes it easy! Worth the money
Can you guys add the Slicex tool and add a system so we can add FLP files please?
I used it all the time for music, however I would love to make a suggestion! It would be so cool to be able to use Soundfont files! :) it literally would be a great addition to the app
Slicer can use slide notes ( A lot of people I know will need this ), BPM Automation, and a SoundFont Player!!!!
So, a few months ago, I downloaded this app. I wasn’t familiarized with it in the first place, and I thought it was a waste of my money. Later and ongoing, I was familiarized and began to like using it, but still a waste of my storage, which I have to reinstall it over and over again. This app is great, maybe make it like the PC version! Good luck!
Hello there! I love this app, as it is a great music making app, and the new slide note addition is amazing. I was wondering if you could make the slide note addition work for slicer, as when i import my chromatics and try the slide notes in slicer, it simply does not work. If you could please fix this, that would be awesome! (sorry this is a short review)
PLEASE ADD AUV plugins!!!
Flawless app, seriously best app ever. Only bug i run into daily, is while recording vocals using pitcher plug in.. saving the song with a D#min scale, or any scale, for some reason FLM will not let me save the scale. Upon re opening the app after saving, the pitcher plug in always reverts back to C min. Numerous attempts and saving methods have been tried, and Pitcher always opens as Cmin, never as the previously saved scales. Thank you for your hard work on FLM, making productive musicians eve
I see why i payed 13 dollars for 👍👍
How could anyone give this app less than 5 stars? Am I missing something?
Please add what is on the title :)
i love this app! but evry time i try to create a spammy song. fl studio mobile just glitches out. in the future i hope they would fix this! 8/10
Please add what is on the title :)
I really enjoy this app and all, but for people who don’t want to just stick to one tempo for their tracks, I suggest adding a tempo automation function.
A solid and user friendly mobile port for new musicians and veterans alike
this is rlly nice but it’s messing some stuff and it would be cool to see newtone in this mobile version
It is what you make it, if your coming from desk version, you’ll know what you doing, so instead of complaining, suggestion, slice and splice, past that ref, google for others.
its good for making music but you have to update it so its compatible with the new update because i cant get into it anymore
Add feature: cut an audio clip at the playhead
how do i upload my vocal presets? i bought a $60 vocal pack but dont know how to get it to my fl studios. someone please help
Whenever I open the app after a minute it just crashes can anyone fix that problem thank you Also whenever I slow down the audio it crashes Please fix this problem thank you