Flashback: Tricky Fun Riddles App Reviews
The Flashback: Tricky Fun Riddles app recently received 40 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices, and 1 negative reviews. Users in the United States have given Flashback: Tricky Fun Riddles app an average rating of 4.62 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 85.6K ratings since its release on Sep 24 by Radiant Cat Studio. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Flashback: Tricky Fun Riddles?
85.6K global ratings
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40 Positive User Reviews for Flashback: Tricky Fun Riddles
They don’t tell us how to play and they said they did not have add it the game so they lied to us
First I like the game but after while it gets boring and not enough levels
To many add Like every one level I get a add it needs to stop
app is amazing I don’t know what to say about it
Really really fun!!!!!!
It’s a great game, but……the mysteries are kinda easy.
The game is amazing guys but there is something that annoys me a hint comes up every time we don’t need one and the worst part is that you can’t exit out without getting out the game but whoever made this thank you for making this I love it so much
Gosh it is so fun but only if you’re like older but the ADDS holy cow
I think it’s fun wi fi free to
Funniest game ever.
its pretty good i just cant get past level 172. it wont let me erase the bushes?…
when i first saw this game, i thought, this sounds fun! and suprisingly, the game is exactly like the ad said! and the other thing is that i was on level 5, and still no ads! i really reccomend this game! 🩷
It’s a fun good game but not what I expected. Including most of the previews and ads. I guess it’s pretty good
This is a fun game! I enjoy the concept and gameplay as it’s very enjoyable to me, but there are levels where they referenced that one committed $uicide and I have a bit of a problem with that as it had no mention of that on the game description. Although it didn’t trigger me, I’m concerned that it will trigger others who download it without expecting that.
So I had like played this game and like when a ad came on there was like this ad it like said 18+ and it made me watch the freaking ad and i think it’s pretty weird but yea you guys need to stop with those weird ads or I’m going to write a nasty review and delete this game so yea 😊😑
It’s a great game it l keep me going and playing for ever
I need more level
This game is so much fun!! I love it so much that I blew through all the levels in like a week or less. More levels please!! Need more levels!!!
I’ve actually enjoyed this game- however there doesn’t appear to be anything after 301. And no apparent way to enter any of the places- cemetery, pub, amusement park, etc.
I really love this game, but end up deleted the game….I play my game using my IPAD for bigger screen, the only problem I have this game they don’t support side way screen. I hope the it will change and I will happy to download the game again! Thank you.
I only gave it four because it said no ads when you are the game
I don’t know how to say yes on level 5 when he is cheating
Okay I L❤️VE this game I have a small problem though I was heading on to a different level and at first I didn’t notice,I was looking around and got a few hints on who this was. I thought this was disgusting a serial killer a 14 year old ?! Please change the Jeffrey level
Great game but way too many adds
More levels please🙏 love this game
What’s the fixture that you can go back in time
It’s really animated. The game is worth getting.
I need more levels I finished this whole game within 2 days
I didn’t make it past this level why my score 0000 also?🦗
I love this game had it for 2 days and couldnt stop playing so i completed all levels and cant wait for additional levels hopefully very soon .
I’ve solved many puzzles. After I solved them….ads keep showing up. There’s too many ads showing up and it’s really bothering me. I want those ads to stop coming up.
I really love this game I just started it today and haven’t stopped playing… However every fourth or fifth challenge items stop being interactive. The only results so far is to close the game and relaunch it. I hope this bug can be fixed. Thank you Again great game!
This game is really good, it’s so much fun barley any ads. The reason I give it 4 stars is that the levels are really easy yea SOME are kinda hard but most of them like 95% of them are easy but overall it’s really fun.
Good fame but its more levels my wife and i beat it in a day more levels is a must
honestly i play all my games in airplane mode so i don't get ads but the game forces you to play with network and has an ad between EVERY level. the games fun though.
Great for solving clues when bored love the game
This game is awesome and I have no complaints about it
Really love the game very time consuming and distracts me in a good way keep improving moving forward 🫡👍🏿👏🏿💪🏿💪🏿🦾
Im a fan of really dark humor or jokes of death so this game is my brisk tea (my way of saying my cup of tea by using one of my favorite beverages)
1 Negative User Reviews for Flashback: Tricky Fun Riddles
The game is decent but I’m sorry it’s an uninstall due to ads. I understand that ads are how you can generate money on a free game but seriously after every level? The ads take longer to close then completing the level takes. Also, the game is not good enough to warrant $4.99 to remove them.