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Fotocasa - Casas y pisos App Reviews

Fotocasa - Casas y pisos app recently received 7 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. Users in the United States have given Fotocasa - Casas y pisos app an average rating of 4.72 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 2.5K ratings since its release on Mar 24 by Adevinta Spain SLU. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Fotocasa - Casas y pisos?

Ratings and Reviews
Rated 3.57 out of 5

2.5K global ratings

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4 Star
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2 Star

Explore global reviews of the Fotocasa - Casas y pisos app: Spain.

7 Positive User Reviews for Fotocasa

Fotos de mala calidad

Deberían orientar a los usuarios sobre cómo tomar fotos de sus pu locaciones. Cuando busco un piso no espero ver el florero de la mesa ni la puerta del baño, ni la cabecera de la cama… espero fotos que me den una panorámica general de los ambientes.

Useful but misleading

I like to save apartments and click on the button to be notified if the asking price goes down. However, that only means my email gets shared with the vendor and they start contacting me to show it to me even if the price didn’t decrease. Label that button differently…

Could be much better

Frustrating, although clearly on track to be as usable as Idealista (which clearly has the superior UX). Problems are mostly related to how it sends you to the website for configuration functions, and how it’s trying to promote other tangential features instead of focusing on my primary use case - finding and contacting properties.

Donde todo es fácil

Búsquedas intuitivas, filtros muy bien logrados. Rápida y completa.

Bueno Bonito y varato

Solo nesecita Aire acondicionado para los dias de Calor intensos


Seria excelente si pudieras filtrar sin inmobilarias!!!!!!! Eso es horrible

Draw on map stopped working

Drawing the area to comfine the search no longer works.

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