19 Positive User Reviews for Game of Khans
slow but pretty good
little slow but keeps a lot of interesting part to the game and no click bait ad.
It’s really hard finding members for my horde. I have it set on anyone can join but no one has been joining for weeks. The horde I manage is amazing! We are a very active horde. We participate in ALL activities. We rank #3 or #4 in majority matches but would love to see #1. The only requirements we have is to stay active and have fun. I Hope to see new faces soon.
ID ME: 1919030176
Игра топ
Игра замечательная,интересная
Игра во 👍, просто 👍, я имею в виду, что прям вот так 👍
It’s a great game oxoxoxo o ox
Join Server 10
Beautiful graphics. Bad mechanics. You start or join a horde. You spend $$$ to grow quickly and then your players quit. You are then left broke and alone because they do not replenish servers with players.And the server dies in a few months. Wanna play and be part of an established team and not go broke? Join us on server 10, Gods of Asena. Save some $$$ and come play with us. After the Tutorial you can click on your avatar and the pic that looks like a gear. Then you can change servers. We w
Хан султан
Игра прикольная но только очень долго ждать
It is a little pay to play
The alliances are always filled up and it’s hard to get on one but the game play is fun. It is a little pay to play but non the less you don’t have to worry about being attacked it’s just when u decided to join the arena battles.
Best game I have play
It character are so cool it as awesome story and all of the good qualities you would want in a game.
Money to play
This holiday event became a money pit. Most player went all out and still don’t have enough stocking sock. :/
Fun to play but boring if you don’t have money.
Very Enjoyable
Love the game so far!
Мало чем отличается от Великого Султана, но мне нравится
Blah, Blah, Blah
There is an attraction to this game because there are plenty of spots to earn progress. Bottom line is it gets harder as you go. Too much looking for your next best.
отличная игра
меня все устраивает.это просто лучшая игра эм.
Great game
It’s an awesome game, I saw a lot of ads about it and was skeptical but actually fell in love with it. With a little guidance you level up quickly and I’ve been also lucky enough to meet awesome people
Game of khans
Hi. I’m Lord_Khan and me and my brother made our on horde on s172 Europe and we have enjoyed this game very very much. We are Americans and most people are Russians but we have good bit of friends on our server and other even if we have to translate most conversations it’s still ok. But overall this game is very fun and we play everyday and love to war.
Not bad but not like the ad for the game
Can’t restart
It wont let me reset the game to restart and every time i try to do it the game glitches and doesn’t do anything!