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goodEar Pro - Ear Training App Reviews

The GoodEar Pro - Ear Training app recently received 5 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. Users in the United States have given GoodEar Pro - Ear Training app an average rating of 4.81 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 139 ratings since its release on Nov 16 by Pascal Weiss. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about GoodEar Pro - Ear Training?

Ratings and Reviews
Rated 4.00 out of 5

139 global ratings

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2 Star

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5 Positive User Reviews for GoodEar Pro

good app

good stuff! anyway to get a guitar fret board to input notes also?

Fun and educational

Great for all musicians for ear training. I highly recommend it.

Easy-to Use Aural app

Easy-to-use app for sharpening aural skills.

A Bit Glitchy

Inconsistent performance with headphones on iPad Pro. When practicing scales, notes will bounce between left and right ears, which is a distraction during exercises. Rebooting iPad or deleting and reloading app resolves problem for a few days.

Good but flawed.

Hi! I’m a beginner at ear training and I’m starting to get the hang of thus powerful program. But one crucial thing is missing. After you correctly guess the answer, you cannot hear the chord, interval or melody again before the app jumps instantly to play the next example. It’s crucial to hear the example WHILE knowing the correct answer. To cement your knowledge. Please fix this issue, thanks!