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GPSnote App Reviews

The GPSnote app recently received 8 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices, and 2 negative reviews. Users in the United States have given GPSnote app an average rating of 2.62 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 13 ratings since its release on Jan 24 by Vlad Alexa. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about GPSnote?

Ratings and Reviews
Rated 4.13 out of 5

13 global ratings

5 Star
4 Star
3 Star
2 Star

8 Positive User Reviews for GPSnote

This is a excellent app!

This is a excellent app! I was looking for a long time for this app and I just miss the possibility to make many layers in order to filter the notes. With this feasibility, this app could become an utility to allow me to present how different services are performed in a area or around the world!

Great app

Perfect, easy to use map marking app. The only thing I'm still waiting on is an option to have multiple pin colors. Since the new update the app force closes after you hit to search the map. :(

Good job

Love that program!!! בהצלחה. שי.


Useful for me, I have many appts around the city and this app enables me to drop numerous pins, each of which can be labeled (I label with client's names), and with this I can get a bird's eye view of everywhere I have to go that day.

Amazing app; very useful

I always use this app when I travel to mark places I'd like to come back to! It's also fun to see all the pins of places I've been

Very useful

I use if mostly for keeping track of locations across the country that I plan to visit. It's very easy to use and it's simple. I do wish you could change the colors of the pins (if you can, idk how). Other than that I recommend this app for any simple mapping or just to keep track of locations.

2 Negative User Reviews for GPSnote

Great idea, crashes too much

Would be willing to purchase the paid version, but the free one crashes constantly. Not worth the risk of paying for the upgrade.

Simple to use, but...

Pros: Simple to use and all notes can be exported collectively via iTunes. Cons: Time stamp isn't accurate, and asks you if you want to add a note every time you long hold (should ask once, or change under settings). Fix these problems and give the user the ability to add additional fields to the note and I'd give it a much higher rating. Would even pay for a pro version.