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Growth+ App Reviews

Growth plus app recently received 3 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. Users in the United States have given Growth plus app an average rating of 4.75 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 119 ratings since its release on Dec 23 by Clafou. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Growth plus?

Ratings and Reviews
Rated 5.00 out of 5

119 global ratings

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4 Star
3 Star
2 Star

Explore global reviews of the Growth plus app: France.

3 Positive User Reviews for Growth plus

Best app of its kind

This app is the best of its kind, I tried the 2 other apps, no comparison. The data transfer feature is great! This app helped me stay calm while tracking my premie's growth, as well as helping me validate what the doctors told us. Great app!

Great app!

Perfect way to keep track of kiddos growth!

Great app

I love that it has the WHO chart (as well as CDC). Was especially helpful fir my petite EBF baby. Also love the convenience of mixing measuring units.

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