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Guardian Tales App Reviews

Guardian Tales app recently received 45 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices, and 1 negative reviews. Users in the United States have given Guardian Tales app an average rating of 4.81 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 36.8K ratings since its release on Mar 24 by Kakao Games Corp. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Guardian Tales?

Ratings and Reviews
Rated 4.56 out of 5

36.8K global ratings

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4 Star
3 Star
2 Star

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45 Positive User Reviews for Guardian Tales

Love this game!!! ❤️❤️❤️

This game is amazing!! It have a amazing story and the battles are cool and I actually made a tear after seeing Marty death, i actually loved this game


Good game but the fact that we cannot merge accounts I have 3 accounts with some rare characters and I want them all in one account

Good game

My friend recommend this and is really good



My Favorite Game

I’ve been playing this game for a while and this is probably one of my favorite gacha games. I really love the story and gameplay of this. In the beginning I’d say the story is okay, but it gets more serious at the end. I like the characters and combat especially with the difficulty of certain battles. However, to a certain extent it’s a bit grindy at the end, but it’s really F2P friendly and you won’t find yourself spending actual money. Additionally, there’s a lot or content so you won’t get b

BEST ANIME GAME EVER!!!!!🤩🤩🤩❤️❤️❤️

This game is one of the best gacha cartoon games of all time their too many characters all of the towers,weapons,great story,missions everything in common especially crossovers!!! Good job you guys keep up the amazing work!!!

Best game but keeps crashing

This is one of the nice simple games you can play over and over …. Big issue though, the app keeps crashing for no apparent reason, And you might have to start a stage over and over … it’s extremely frustrating


I’m am playing this game even tho I’m 10 but this game is awesome you should lower the age rating


I think adding a dual wielding one-handed sword character would be great for the community

It’s cool

Mhm! It’s one of the best GAMES

Playing this game since it’s release in the us

This game came out in the us in 2020 and ever since then, I’ve been hooked! The style of the game is very consistent and with an amazing storyline! I’m not joking when I say this game is good!

Best game ever

I love this game more than anything btw I was wondeing if I could have a bit of free gems pls


I like this game

New update

Game crashing a lot after new update. Pls fix


This game is one of my favorite games but sometimes i might not play it for a while then start again so the rewards i have in my mailbox stay there then i collect it and usually i get a lot of stamina so currently i have like 3,800 some so i can't get any other rewards for my mailbox because your stamina has to be 3,000 or below, so it would be nice it there was a way to sell you stamina or just not have it be 3,000 or below to collect rewards in your mailbox.

I am dissatisfied with the game characters.

The game itself is really good, but it doesn’t have many male characters, please fix this by having more male characters that can be rolled by the gacha, or quest characters, besides this, I would have gave it a 5 star.

Great game!

This is probably one of the best games on the App Store especially if you are into a game with a good story. The story is great and the gameplay is way more fun than other games of its genre. My only gripe is that it can be pay to win with it being a gacha game but they give you a lot to work with so it still feels fun even without paying.

Well made game

Very detailed lore, good art, Grindy, and waifu 10/10 game

Please allow data transfer

Very good game I love this game I play almost every day only one small problem I have is game of my Nintendo switch and I have to start over. Is it possible to allow data transfer from the phone to the switch? Please allow cross play so many people will be happy.


I haven’t nine longing in because it never gave me the option two when I usually play but when I logged in after not for so long I lost my progress and went to the beginning I think I went up to rolled seven and I’m at world one is there a way to get my progress back? Thank you for reading I hope you can help

Your the best

You make it fun, you excited me when I’m down, thanks for the memories.🥹

AAA jrpg with incredible story telling

Despite being gacha, the main focus is the story. If you are interested in collecting, know that it is very F2P friendly. Minimal effort may net you around 20 pulls a week

Very enjoyable

When a classmate introduced me to this game, I wasn’t expecting much; it looked nice, but not much more. I was pleasantly surprised when I got into playing it; lots of very interesting characters, and I really like the designs in general. The story is also quite enjoyable. (I’m very curious about what comes next - I’m currently still on World 10). If you’re looking for a surprisingly deep and cool game, then I’d definitely recommend Guardian Tales ^_^

I love everything about this game

From the different characters, worlds, humor and the story is great I made a review about wanting to restart world 13 but I saved everyone except the cop and old lady but I still 100% it which is what I wanted every world adds more and more to the story and season 2d wa thing sup right away and it’s great, can you guys please add Lana as a hero one day

I really love this game, but…..

I really enjoy playing this game and I love the story, but why are the enemies so hard? All of my characters are maxed level, but the amount of levels we can level up after each world we clear is too little, and the enemies are always 1 level below or higher than me. The part I’m really struggling with is world 11 on the little passage way after you beat 11-2, Each time I think I’m done it just spawns more harder enemies, and I know I can use gems to revive but I’m dead broke.😬

Great, but here are some update ideas

This game is definitely my favorite mobile game, but here are some update ideas. One, there can be a fairy and for 50 gems, she will mark the exact locations of the collectibles, similar to how the level marks were you need to go. Two, In world 3, the ghosts are terrorizing the school. But if you play on of the secret levels, you’ll learn that the ghosts were trapped by the shadow monster, so witch is it? This game is great, thanks

Cool game

It needs more work and a way to keep players attracted to the game. Difficult boss fights don’t help with that since they are ridiculously difficult. Make an anime or something.

The game is decent so far.

I have currently on played through 1-4 and I personally think it’s pretty fun, of course I do think some aspects could be improved but it’s fine, but yeah I feel like further on this game will be enjoyable and something for me to play a lot.

Better then evertale

This game does not lie to you … it’s a gotcha game but Atleast it does it in your face .

Good game but there’s something bad about it

Future Princess is terrible

Super creative!

Update: Please fix the facebook login issue. I should not have to remove facebook app just to log into GT when it crashes out. Review: I am pleasantly blown away by the dedication to game design. This game is incredibly fun to play through the storyline. The puzzles are super creative! Game speaks for itself.

You are in for quite a ride

Beginners tips: Don’t rush the game or try to rush the game, regarding the gachas, take it slow and play at your own pace. It is intended as mostly single player. The coop and pvp portion are need a great time investment to be in, however, participation in these event could give you a great boost of gems 💎, so rank won’t matters to much in the early stages. Stamina could be a little constrained, but daily there are stamina boosts and gems for those who logged in.

Great game but

I played from launch and am I loving the game and stuff but story becomes a kick in the teeth so fast and if you don’t have the proper heroes and EXs,it’s a death sentence


This is a very amazing game and people complain about beth but she aint even that hard just get fo and kamael. I love this game with all the adventures and story line and all that. But the reason why i gave it only four is because the update when i update this game on any ipad or phone it has a a really hard time to update it but any other game it updates fine.


I adore this game with all my heart😁😁😁

Incredible game!

The story and fighting is great, and having new characters to try and collect is also fun. Even if you don’t have the best of the best characters, you can still progress through the game with enough practice. Nice job on the game!

Great game

I love this game, but the only thing I very much disagree with is how when you exceed your stamina limit, you can’t accept any gifts like gems or coins in the mail. It’s very annoying tbh

Love this game

It has so many throwbacks to games from my childhood. Absolutely love this game.

Amazing game! Would recommend.

This game is amazing! You get to battle enemies, collect items on you adventure. But if your not into that, you can buy it yourself! The skins are amazing! The introduction has an awesome backstory. You can even get skins for your characters! The boss battles are insane!

Frame drop and crashing a lot since yesterday

Love the game but i hope some issues get fixed soom

Game of the century

This game is soooo fun love it its a perfect 8 bit action game mix whith amazing graphics and I love the summoning it’s fun

Thanks for messaging.

I have a recommendation, if you could use the apples Game Center so the game could save on my Game Center so I don’t have to worry about progress being deleted


Randomly saw an ad for this game and thought “what the heck let’s try this one.” This game is more fun and more compelling than any other mobile game I’ve ever played. I play it every single day and I absolutely love it. I genuinely cannot recommend this game enough!


剧情角色人物玩法 都设计得不错 就是玩到后期有点长草 没事干 只能收集材料皮肤升级属性。

1 Negative User Reviews for Guardian Tales

I don’t get it.

I haven’t played this game for so long that it got deleted from my iPad. When I reinstalled it, All 2 years of my data was gone. I tried linking my account but it said it’s already in use. I hope I can bring my account back. I miss it.

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