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Hipster CEO App Reviews

Hipster CEO app recently received 21 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. Users in the United States have given Hipster CEO app an average rating of 3.40 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 124 ratings since its release on Jan 18 by Getchoo Creations. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Hipster CEO?

Ratings and Reviews
Rated 4.33 out of 5

124 global ratings

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21 Positive User Reviews for Hipster CEO


Sad to see that this game dropped out of development(at least as far as i could tell) and that hipster ceo 2 got cancelled, I kind of forgot about it for a couple years and something clicked in my head about it that brought me back, had big potential but didn’t get the recognition it deserved, hope dev is doing well, have a good one.

Lots of bugs

It's a great concept, but it is extremely buggy. Like one time, all of my employees disappeared! Please fix!

Great but with bugs

It's been fun playing but i think there is a big where i cant get past level 8

Can't wait for #2!!!!!

I have played this for over a year and love it...one of the few games that keep my interest..... I cannot wait for the second one to truly develop my skills as a hipster startup tycoon! Twitter: @DawsonCall

Good game

The game is awesome, it's really unique and fun, not super realistic with the money and the investments in terms of the amount of money but is still just fun

Great game

I think am addicted to this game. And can't wait for part 2 to come out

Good game

I love this game, but i cannot wait for CEO 2. There is a lot of changes and updates needed to be made for sure.

Great concept, poor execution

Great idea, but becomes tedious. I spend all my time hiring because my people always jump ship even though I give them constant pay raises and the best amenities.


Really fun fastest way to make billions of $$ is to get the tech geeks as ur niche bump the price up to $100 as soon as u launch ur product

So much potential

This game is great in my opinion, but some major bugs are stopping it from reaching its potential. If one more update could be applied, it could be amazing!

Can't wait for HCEO2

Loved this game, can't wait for HCEO2. Maybe there will be a Kickstarter for the 2nd game??

Best game ever

One of the most fun and addicting games I've ever played. -Webah444

Love the game!

I can't wait for HCEO2! I love the idea of this game so much! I've been waiting years for the sequel to be released!

Great concept with lots of bugs

Love the concept. The gameplay is pretty good too, but the bugs are killing me. Staff keeps disappearing and reappearing. Also sometime productivity just stops for no reason. Hope they get that sorted out, then I'll add a star or two.

Unrealistic investors

Why can investors with 1% of your company buy staff that need so much money and are and at their job?

Amazing timing!

I noticed this 2mins after you updated. This is amazing. Are you working on this again? Actually 2ms might be months. Wow. I’m sorry.

Cool Game, and Neat Localisation

I’m from Ireland, so the game automatically put the currency into Euros, and all the character names are Irish, which is pretty cool. The game is quite fun and well done as well.


This game is great and I can play it for hours but can someone please tell when hipster ceo 2 is coming out I have been waiting for a whole year. All and all it’s a great game and it has no competitors

Great game

Hipster ceo is a truly captivating game and is a great game however it needs some work with bug fixes. It’s so buggy I right now have to uninstall and reinstall it. Can’t wait for hipster ceo 2!

Amazing but with crippling bugs

AMAZING concept and game but the bugs ruin it man, if I was billgates Id seriously throw like 1/2 a million to help get ceo2 out

Please don’t give up!

Looking at your social media pages it looks like the second one got scrapped! Please don’t give up on the second one! This game is dope.

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