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Home Behind App Reviews

Home Behind app recently received 11 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices, and 1 negative reviews. Users in the United States have given Home Behind app an average rating of 4.63 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 273 ratings since its release on Oct 19 by Coconut Island Games Limited. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Home Behind?

Ratings and Reviews
Rated 4.64 out of 5

273 global ratings

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4 Star
3 Star
2 Star

Explore global reviews of the Home Behind app: France.

11 Positive User Reviews for Home Behind

Good game but...

This game is not for everybody. I understand that it’s a survival game but once you die, you have to start all over without everything you unlocked included upgraded and items. And I just died. And now im like “damn...I don’t don’t to start it over” I got it for .99 cents, so it’s worthed it.

Awesome buuut.......

This game is so awesome that I bought the full version. My only issue? Dieing and starting back at square one even when I've reached a different map. Please fix this issue.


Surprisingly fun. Wish they had more variety than just the desert level. Would buy IAP for more levels.


Occasionally changes from English to Japanese other than that great game

Progress Sharing?

How do i share progress between my phone and iPad? Love the game it’s perfect just want my phone to keep same spot from my iPad.


This is such an incredible game. I don’t usually enjoy this type of game, I either find them too difficult or too slow, but this one was different. I was immediately enraptured and while it was difficult, (and for those of you experienced players there are multiple difficulty levels), it wasn’t impossible. Thank you for this!

A memorable game for sure

There’s countless things I love about this game and it’s why I’m rating it as high as I am but it could just so easily be 5 stars but the fact that when you die you have to start from the beginning just isn’t fair . I’ve since made it 54% and after having to face enemy , after enemy .. sometimes 4 in a row is exhausting . I’ve started to get to a point where I’m just so frustrated and not sure if it’s even possible to beat . Top notch game but needs some tweaks here and there . You can tell ther

I like it so far

Only recently started playing but from I’m seeing, I enjoy so far.

Best game

This is my favorite game, I have played it all the way through many times. Please make a sequel, especially with the ending it has... maybe he could find his daughter at the half way point and have to support food and water for two? And to win the game you need to get to safe settlement and obtain/upgrade a house/apartment/rented room? I really hope there is a home behind 2 in the works!

Fun game

I’ve been playing this game for months now, and I can say I’ve put in a good amount of hours into it. Each game is not the same, different scenarios & different ways to survive. That’s what makes it fun.

1 Negative User Reviews for Home Behind

Cmae backmto it after years

no progress... sigh

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