25 Positive User Reviews for Infinite Lagrange
Great game, but one problem
This game is an amazing game, with great graphics for a mobile game. Just, it has one problem. It forced me to restart twice now for no reason, all because of an update. Am I the only one with this problem, or is it happening to more people?
Beautiful game
Surprisingly good graphics and wonderful ship designs
the greatest phone game, literally game has auto translation
everyone can play from across the world it’s so much fun
It’s a fun game
Reminds me of a cross between StarCraft and star trek
Let me get some best ships
I want a full base level and a full ship fleet
One of my favorite games
Although I’m not into base builder games, this game is one of my favorite sci-fi games that I have ever downloaded for my phone. Being able to build a fleet and play with people from around the world is very fun. I can’t wait to see where this goes!
Reset all my hard progress because of an event
I spent weeks on this game even months, grinding and getting good just for all my fleet and upgrades to reset.
Good, needs some stuff
Can you add a org blueprint trade feature.
Great game with only two flaws
The first flaw is the biggest of almost any gacha; the ‘pity’ system is random and brutal … it is completely random whether you get a variation first or not of a ship, variants are unusable without the base. The narrowing via research agreement is tragically bad.
The only other flaw is the images are painfully obvious jpegs; flat images on a 3d space. It ends up looking cheap which is insulting to the player considering how much money mobile games rake in (especially after the pandemic boosted
Stuck in space
I send 3 fleets from one location to another. 2 arrives and the 3rd is stuck in space like it’s frozen in time. Cool that game is realistic in time freeze wormhole ‘feature’.
It’s better than most mobile games.
It has good graphics, not many ads, not as pay to win.
Newest Update
I don’t want to leave any stars to disrupt the actual gameplay of the game but ever since the last update Ive been stuck on a light blue screen? Is this being fixed soon, or do I do something on my end?
I haven’t played in a little while but I had made a lot of purchases and acquired many blueprints I’m hoping to get my account back so I can get back into it. Iv logged in and I had nothing
Being patient is key thank you team for pointing me in the right direction I have my account
Please help
I’m trying to get the resource pack to actually play the game but every time I get to the unpacking part I has an error message saying unpacking failed zip something so can you guys respond and help me. And I rate five stars beacuse I played before and had good experience.
Amazing game, but balance is off.
I absolutely love playing this game, the graphics are great, i love watching the battles in real time, i love everything about this game... other than the balancing. The privateers are way too overpowered way too soon now, and are ganging up on every resource node they see, making progressing for casual, and even competitive- way harder than it needs to be, i believe that the privateers shouldn't have access to battlecruisers when most players are still in zone 4, thats just ridiculous. Privs sp
The devs are bias to other players, cheating is taking place, and so on. I hope they stop.
Good game
Good game but after an update I could not find my base anymore so I cannot really play anymore.
Battery hog!
Good game, but still drained the battery of my iPad Pro even though my device was plugged in.
Cool game
It’s complicated but very fun
Best game ever
I love how fun this game is being able to play with new players makes it fun
A bit confusing
Yea that’s all, great visuals and everything, but you have extreme limitations like the amount of ships you can build, and it doesn’t tell you how you can make solve it.
How do you play no directions given.
Great game but no controller support
Great game. Love the depth of strategy but wish it supported backbone controller.
Fun until..
You keep getting the same ships over and over again in blueprint crates. Too much work to build up points for crates over and over again just to be the same ship you got last time. I’m done.
wa wa wa nice and nice