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KOSMOS Helper App App Reviews

KOSMOS Helper App app recently received 13 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. Users in the United States have given KOSMOS Helper App app an average rating of 4.29 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 599 ratings since its release on Feb 24 by FranckhKosmos VerlagsGmbH KG. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about KOSMOS Helper App?

Ratings and Reviews
Rated 4.46 out of 5

599 global ratings

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Explore global reviews of the KOSMOS Helper App app: Germany.

13 Positive User Reviews for KOSMOS Helper App

Amazing app

I started playing these exit games about a year ago. I just recently discovered it had an app. And I just played it with the app timing me and I was very pleased with the fact that it kept time and caps score.

Great companion app

Everything worked great. We had a blast

Good app

Haven’t used everything on the app yet, but the accompanying soundtrack is enjoyable, and I haven’t had any issues as of yet.

Useful for taking breaks, could improve though

It would be cool to have an option for the timer to go without the built in soundtrack, that way I could play my own music from my phone as we play the game, but still, the built in soundtrack was okay and added to the ambiance.


It has tutorials,mini games (though I couldn’t get the middle shield to work in the second mini game). I also use the “ my games” section to keep track of which games I have.

Excellent after reading through instruction

The app walks a group of players through game play in a simple with excellent instructions format. We found it was excellent after we had read through the instruction book and played a couple of rounds of the game before hand. Helped to answer a few questions that came up during our initial game play. Excellent resource and a explanation.

Great and Interactive to Its Content

The ap is perfectly made to help instruct players to set up the "game boards" and keep track for you. I play their Exit Games a lot with my friends, and it has been a wonderful assist with very clear instructions for even newcomers.

Just save the data.

We really like these games and we use the timer. I think the app really adds to the ambiance. I like that the app calculates your score for you. If only it would save the scores for each game. How hard would it be to have the app save the game scores? Just use space in the phone memory if you don’t want to store it for us.

Great game, ok app left with much potential

These games are our favorite. We have done a few and have more purchased waiting to be played. The app is just kinda ok though. We enjoy the timer and ambient music however, it feels like there’s more that could be done with the app to make it more interactive (be able to click on “next page” perhaps for slightly different music or effects. Heck we would probably pay a small app fee for it. Would be fun to see it expanded!

Didn’t work initially- content was blacked out

I’ve tried to use this twice for the. crew Mission Deep Sea. After downloading content the links to tutorial and music disappear and can’t select anything. I tried again and same thing happened. Weird. Updated: after reading another comment/fix from the developer, I closed a lot of apps and reloaded the content and it plays now. So other glitchy than memory management(?) issues it seems to be a nicely produced overview of the game. I’ve revised my rating.

Played The Dungeon (Up to Chapter 1)

This app is optional but fantastic for playing the games. Explains game setup and narration (like a dungeon master).

Neat app

Worked great for us. Helped set the atmosphere. We really enjoyed it.

App features

I would love if the app would save my score and had the statement on the back of the direction pamphlet to fill out in the app.

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