Land and Castles App Reviews
The Land and Castles app recently received 45 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. Users in the United States have given Land and Castles app an average rating of 4.46 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 2.6K ratings since its release on Apr 23 by Andrew Moloney. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Land and Castles?
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45 Positive User Reviews for Land and Castles
I don’t know what they did to the AI, but it’s way more passive now. Quests or skirmishes aren’t a challenge anymore because the boys can’t seem to remember how to attack, and will actively avoid combat to build more structures. Really wish they’d revert that change, but it’s otherwise a solid, basic rts
Great game and does have a great potential but their is so much premium that makes it in fun to play
It’s great you have multi player but when ever I join multiplayer I don’t have any servers to join is that because of where I live or something else.
Its a great Mini RTS with map editing and now with online play too, definitely worth getting
It’s a great game and an awesome concept but the things you actually want to do in the game are locked behind transactions. It’s relatively cheep to unlock all of the features as well as help out the developer but if you are like me, you don’t pay for app games. It would be genuinely more fun if all features were unlocked for free for everyone. Thank you.
The extra twists in the raid and seige game modes are fun. The tech research tree gets maxed out very quickly, and there is some RTS snowballing where getting a majority lets that player grow that majority ever easier and easier. I wish there were more unique playstyles possible.
The only reason why I’m not giving this 5 stars though is because it can get pretty glitchy when playing online, to the point where it doesn’t even function. So, if you make online better I will definitely give this game a 5 stars. Also in quests it won’t let me do quest level 16, saying that I need to buy it, even though the color for level 16 is red.
The game is way too expensive but is still pretty good! I hope it replaces the micro transactions with ads, I’d really prefer that.
Love everything about it, the theme, gameplay and art is immaculate.
Would be a 5 star is bugs were worked out. On skirmish, I get a red x on areas I should be able to put land as well as on my own castles. I can’t upgrade
There’s already so many games that want you to spend money to gain skins.
I thought it was fun. Give it a try
excellent mix of simple , strategic, and well paced
Game is fun and very addicting but I never find someone to play on the online mode (multiplayer) And I bought the full version and skirmish is not working
I like the style and the idea of play but one thing that would make it perfect is free play against bots
Hi Andy, Enjoying the game. Finding the online seems to bug and search without connecting. Even when I am sitting with my friends on their device next to me, the online is just constantly “searching..”. It connected once but since then have not gotten it to reconnect. Keep going with the design. Enjoying it! Would love to find a way to give you even more beta feedback. This is the only app game I’m playing right now.
I really like this game overall, I especially like the new store and beta multiplayer, however I am on the fence with the whole boat concept, I was really hoping for a new kind of unit or building but that’s fine. Since you added boats a dock would be nice so the rally point feature still works. Anyway, keep up the good work developers, I really do enjoy this game!
This is a fun game with a bit of challenge. I do recommend you play this game.
Are the boats supposed to be playable yet in skirmish mode? I’ve made a map which requires boats, but am unable to use the units in skirmish mode. Also, when placing and or deleting a castle in editor mode, the game glitches and you’re unable to place anything, requiring a shutdown of the app and losing your progress to your last saved point. Please fix when you can!
I love what the developers are making in this game. Awesome improvements! Online is not working for me but so happy to see that it has been added and at least soon to come. This game really should be so much more popular. Highly recommend!
The game won’t let me get any thing
Update 11/26/22: The issue seems to affect levels: 16-23 except for level 19. I haven’t beaten level 23 so I can’t report on level 24 unfortunately 🤓 Love this game and I’m excited about the updates! There’s just a small bug during quests where your starting soldier can’t be moved. The soldier just stands in place.
When will this work so I can try the game, I don't want to play story
I enjoy playing this game. It's good to pass the time, and it's a fairly simple concept. However, the tutorial didn't really help me learn what all of the controls do or the best way to become a stronger army. I've also noticed that once you hit the ad rounds, the enemies become ungodly strong. I've played level 15 about 20 times now, losing every time. 1 star enemies mow down my 4 star soldiers and castles. Even when my "combat-sword" is leveled all the way up.
I see a load save slots but absolutely no clue how to save also even during the 4th chapter a glitch happens where the screen gets frozen and are unable to play the game unless you load the game up though if you do that it resets the entire match. AND WITH NO WAY TO SAVE YOU HAVE TO RE DO THE ENTIRE LEVEL. These matches are lasting to 30 minutes and have all that go to waste for a glitch that randomly happens is extremely frustrating. If you did end up completeing quest 4 you won’t be able to pl
on the iPad the UI still looks like it’s sized for a phone, and the map is always zoomed out to the point where 3/4 of the screen is dead space. Good game overall, but it seems like ipad accessibility was a thrown together afterthought. Not worth purchasing the whole game for the iPad unless the formatting is fixed.
I always appreciate a developer who responds to criticism and works with the community. Both of the problems I had with the game were blown away by the developer in one clean sweep. The only issue I have now is the UI needs some reworking. The main menu goes a little off screen and some buttons overlap.
dude this game is so fun and it doesn’t really require money to play good job
Theres a glitch where the ad on quest 6 freezes and I havent been able to progress
Hey dev - first, love the concept! I can see this taking off. That said - the game keeps crashing out at quest 6, even after a full purchase. Even if I win or lose quest 6 - it crashes out in the middle or the end :/ on an editing note too - might be a fun little add on to let us name groups of soldiers and castles we capture/build. Best of luck! This is gonna be a good one!
I say try it out, its a fun pass time with matches taking about 10-15 minutes. Controlling big armies is very overwhelming as you can only move one unit at a time, there is a rally that causes all non/defending units to move to that rally but the AI is janky and they get stuck on each other and dont stack into the right groups. Also there is a game breaking bug that has happened to me 5 times in the later lvls where your army gets too big and soft locks the game (you cant tap on anything but uni
I love this game a lot, It’s the kind of games I enjoy: old fashioned, pixelated RTS! I just have one issue that made it not 5 stars. If it’s free to play, and we get ads, why do we have to pay $2.99 for the full game? If u gave us the full game with $2.99 to remove ads instead, I would enjoy it a lot better! Thanks, hope u read this! :)
This game is fun and challenging.
The game is fun but kinda easy and gets a little boring
It has lots of limits and I would like more free play and city building aspects but other than that you get what you ask for.
Good, free, surprising depth
An enjoyable mobile-friendly RTS. It’s ideas on how to balance the tactics and base building on a touchscreen device are refreshingly unique. We need more mobile game designers who experiment like this.
Thank you please more levels I beat them all. Thanksssss
This game is really fun in my opinion.
I love this game but it needs more quests and updates.
More do more. This game isn’t long enough
I find this game very addicting, I love the research component, but I do find battles to be a little random, an army of 1 could beat an army of 3, which I don’t particularly like, but, I find this game nice nonetheless.
This game is made extremely well and is simple to learn while still being fun
I feel I could enjoy the game a lot in the future, but right now whenever you see something coming it’s too late
It’s great but the menu is super small on my iPad And I could not find a setting to change the menu size