Leather® App Reviews
The Leather app recently received 30 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. Users in the United States have given Leather app an average rating of 4.83 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 160 ratings since its release on Apr 24 by Studio Industrial. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Leather?
160 global ratings
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30 Positive User Reviews for Leather
I had a game which I was grinding for a solid three days. All of a sudden, my game shut down. I would pull up Leather and the menu was fine. When I tried to enter “the previously mentioned” saved game; it kept shutting me out of the app. I could start a new game and it worked fine; but it would keep me from playing my previously saved game. I was just letting you know about this glitch; so you could be aware. Yes, I did press to the button to Repair and Compact the Database; which didn’t work.
Developers have done a great job with this one. Excited for the PC release!
We haven’t got a update in a while is leather. 2 being developed or a big update coming
Great game, for a boxing manager it’s probably the most fleshed out. I would like to see maybe a stat for overhands, and a separate stat for each hand such as left hook and right uppercut being a separated skill for example. I also think the boxer archetypes could be fleshed out a little more, more styles to experiment with, the better.
There should be mandatory fights and PPV buys, like it shows how many people bought the fight and how much it made in revenue. They should also title it a PPV fight. And instead of appeal, they should add like a fan base or website for your fighter and see how many fans you have.
First off, this game is absolutely amazing. From the prodigies you can find randomly that take your gym to a whole new level, to the tips and tricks you can do to give yourself an advantage. The game is fun and consistent while also being unpredictable. Though the loading times always pull me away, I would make a gym, play in the gym, and then eventually stop due to how long the loading times take. If these were to be faster I could see myself playing endlessly for hours on end just because I en
Love The game been playing for a few months and I’m completely obsessed keep up the great content and you guys should make a discord or something where the community could request ideas but otherwise great game love it recommend it to any boxing fans
I absolutely love this game, however i would really like if there where more updates happening more often.
Haven’t played any phone game in probably 10 years, except this one lol…. Never written a review either and never will again probably
I love this game so much I’ve been playing for 2 years now both my iPhone and android I hope we are getting more updates
Can you add a promoter mode in the game I think that would be cool.
My only real suggestion would be adding a ring magazine belt but calling it something else obviously like the other belts. Also allowing us to see the scores of previous fights.
This is a amazing game and I love playing it but can you make it to where I can move my fighter up in weight and he still Keeps his belt so if he loses he can return to his normal weight or if we wins he has the option to keep his belt and move back down or drop his belt and defend the belt he just won
Hey seriously this shhhhhhh is on another level. Join the community on reddit Shout out to Showbizz and Champside both in my p4p boxing content youtube stars.
Hello! Ive been playing leather now for about 2 years and everything has worked pretty flawlessly until the new update i started a new world with two players and got about 4-5 years in and got to a point were when i loaded up leather and clicked load save file from that save it would crash the game immediately over and over nonstop i gave it time and trued again but no luck. Great game hope theres gonna be some new content added soon and i hope this bug fix doesn’t take too long to figure out. A
This game is absolutely amazing. Training and building a team of fighters. Growing them to there highest potential whether that’s championship or journeymen. Thank you for creating such a fun experience. Would you ever create an MMA counterpart if possible?
I got this earlier in the week and have played everyday since. I look forward to new updates
Would it be possible to allow created fighters to have an amateur career? I think it would be a great addition.
By far the best boxing manager style game, but I’d go as far as saying it’s the best boxing game in general on mobile you’ll ever find. Great work.
An amazing game that has improved so much over the last couple of years. I have been a supporter and player of the game since 2019, it has only gotten better. Trust me the game is well worth the price tag. i have easily sank 100+ hours into this game.
P4P best boxing game of all time. Only game that does the sweet science justice.
Best game out there for boxing management but I would like to see ppv and networks get involved
The game is great, & the developer is awesome!
Great game, would you ever be interested in making a MMA version of this?
The game is really good it’s like your a real boxing manager but you know what will be cool if they add it Boxing Olympics.
Favorite app of all time. Love this game. Had it on my Samsung and it was my first download on my new phone. Random ad, but I would love to see career earnings (after taxes and gym cut) in a boxer’s history.
I’ve been playing on both iOS and android for a couple years now and this system just works so well. I wish the there was an mma game like this and I feel like you all could do it, there is absolutely NO good mma games out right now.
Was fun into I started losing rounds I clearly won but the judges are some work I’m good
Do you plan on adding bridgerweight?
Great game please add ppv fights and ppv numbers and networks that will be perfect for this game overall good game!