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Longplay App Reviews

The Longplay app recently received 18 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. Users in the United States have given Longplay app an average rating of 4.58 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 111 ratings since its release on Sep 24 by Adrian Schoenig. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Longplay?

Ratings and Reviews
Rated 4.44 out of 5

111 global ratings

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18 Positive User Reviews for Longplay

Had problems at first, but works fine.

I had a problem initially setting up on an ipad (couldn’t see the album wall icon). I set it up on iphone and it works now on ipad too. Pilot error maybe. I dunno.

Best Apple Music player for album lovers

Easily the best money I’ve ever spent on a music app.

I’m re-discovering music I forgot I had

Got this on a recommendation from someone on Mastodon, and it’s a really novel way of reconnecting with your music library by putting everything on display all at once. Artwork, not text. Plus: sorting based on “Addiction”, “Brightness”, “Negligence” etc. It’s a really unique _album_ based approach. Loving it. Another plus: I found one reproducible crash almost immediately after purchase, which the developer fixed nearly overnight. Overall, well worth it. Really enjoying this app.

Bring Your Album Collection Back to Life

Longplay brings back the satisfying and relaxing way of listening to albums, not as individual songs, but as whole albums. The focus options make it easy to find neglected albums you’ve forgotten about. It will bring your album collection back to life and make your listening experience enjoyable and relaxing again!

Hard to find info

I’ve had the app for a few weeks and find it hard to use - find stuff to listen to or search for albums or artists. I still haven’t found a way to search for specific albums. I didn’t know that there was a screen by swiping right to see ordering, sorting, and settings. I get the desire to have a simplified UI but a user shouldn’t accidentally stumble upon the settings because they randomly swiped. It should be clear where to control things.

Great start, more capability should be added

Great for viewing and rediscovering your albums. Some additional features would be very useful, such as seeing what tracks are on an album and what trackers are currently playing. Other now playing controls would also be useful, such as skip or go back, etc. —- Updating review: you can see the usual now playing screen in the Apple Music app, which I didn’t realize initially. That helps!

Not great. I would get refund if possible

There needs to be a way to view and play individual songs. There also need to be a tree for easier searching by alphabet. Then when you click on the artist you get the albums. My collection is large and I have to scroll for a week to get to an album I want. It was inexpensive so I gave it a try. The author seems to care about his product so maybe in time it will improve. Right now it’s only worth it with small libraries. I would stick with Soor or Marvis Pro for now.

When all I want is to play a random album at work

Apple Shortcuts can no longer handle searching through my library, picking a random song, and then getting the album from that. Longplay has shortcut support and simplified the shortcut to just playing a random album through Longplay. I owe this app my productivity.


I don’t often spend money on apps, but this one is worth the $4! I’ve always preferred to listen to whole albums, and this makes it so much easier to browse them. Beautiful!

The right idea

My apple music library is small, mainly because of the LACK of an interface like this one. If this scales well to large music libraries, apple should just give up and buy this app and the dev team and make it the default way to browse apple music.

Great idea, well executed

Fills a real gap in Apple’s music app. Wish I could queue up multiple albums using Play Next like in Apple Music.

Very focused

Installed instantly at <3 MB, almost no set-up, and I’m right into my music! Easily worth trying at $3 and almost no learning curve

It showed promise

This application has a good concept but, it doesn’t show all of my music.

Fantastic app

This is a great app for people who like to listen to whole albums. I got this app shortly after it launched and it just keeps getting better with updates!

One request ...

Nice looking app. I was hoping that there would be a way to have to shuffle albums randomly. I’ve been looking for an app that does that for years.

Track Listing

I love the simplicity but an album’s track listing is essential. Perhaps an addition to the long press menu?

Didn't know what I've been missing

Love this app. Old enough to have had an album collection but didn't realize how much I missed flipping through albums to decide what to play. This app comes as close to that experience as you're going to get on a digital device --thanks!

Great idea, well executed

Fills a real gap in Apple’s music app. I only wish the app would let me limit the view to downloaded albums (instead of only greyjng out non-downloaded) and shuffle albums instead of playing one album at a time.