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Love Nudge App Reviews

Love Nudge app recently received 45 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices, and 5 negative reviews. Users in the United States have given Love Nudge app an average rating of 4.58 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 17.4K ratings since its release on Mar 23 by Love Language Brand. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Love Nudge?

Ratings and Reviews
Rated 3.98 out of 5

17.4K global ratings

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2 Star

45 Positive User Reviews for Love Nudge

Good but…

I really like the idea of the app, but I can’t figure out how to use it! I’ve tried watching a YouTube and figuring it out on my own, but I don’t know how to share my goals to my husband, and I don’t know how to fill his tank! A better, instructional video would be very helpful!

Marriage is everything

Great app to enhance your relationship

Should be for families

This is a great idea for couples yes but what about for single people who are trying to improve their relationships like with their children or with their parents this app would be so much better. If you could invite multiple people instead of just one person I would like to improve my relationships all around and I don’t have a spouse so although it’s a good app, I can’t even use it.

Helpful communication stimulant!

When a couple takes time to follow the discussion of the answers and work through hesitations it can more quickly facilitate growth in a relationship.


super easy to learn and it helps my relationship every single day - HIGHLY RECOMMEND!!

Great so far. *Suggestion*

Like the app so far! Dev Suggestion: In the goal view, sort the goals by frequency. For example have a list header of “Daily, Weekly, Monthly, etc” with the goals listed under the appropriate heading.

A few tweaks

When updating your love tank you have an option to add a message. My partner doesn’t get to see that message. What’s the point? Also, when making a suggestion, it is sent as a message. I don’t know, I feel it should show up on your partners goals or whatever that list is.

Won’t let me log back in

The app was being buggy so I deleted it and re downloaded it so see if that would help. Now it’s not giving me an option to log back in, it just wants me to create a new account

LOVE the concept!

What a practical way to show love to the most special person in your life! It takes the guesswork out of showing those you care about the most your life for them. The only downside I can see would be the lack of setting a recurring task or the lack of setting reminders for six months from now or two weeks from now etc. Would also love to see the ability to add individuals or a completely separate app geared toward children or those other special people in your life that you care about as we


Keep using it and don’t allow the minor things get in your way or stop you. Once you do that, then this app will help you and your partner. My experience was tough at first, because we were super critical and over analyzing. Once we stop being so literal, then we started understanding each other better.

What about the kids?

Great app but I wish there was a feature that allows you to add your children as well. All within one profile to set goals on how to meet each child’s love language!

I love this app so far but theres only one thing i wish were different.

This app gives me a chance to communicate my feelings to my boyfriend without me being afraid or nervous to do it. I feel like this app would help us alot more if both me and my partner can see the goals that we've set.


Navigating the app is confusing. Messaging is difficult because the send bar on the right side of the text window obscures the window.

Been great but…

It looks like there was a change made recently. Now every time you “save” after adjusting the percentage on my iPhone…it drops 1% from what I set it at…just kinda annoying.


Different but amusing I supposed .

Great app

I love the concept. Did want to add a comment that the date within the app is incorrect. For example, today is feb 14th and it’s showing up as the 15th.

Amazing App for Couples

This app is an extraordinary spark that has bless my wife and I. It fits into our busy lives. The app is easy to use! Try it!


It would be nice to be able to see more information about your partner. Things like what goals they have set and notes. I would rate it a lot higher if we could see more of each other’s information.

Very helpful!

My wife and I use this all the time and it’s been very beneficial for our marriage!


Really wish your partner can see the notes you leave when you set your love tank percentage. That way they know why your percentage is what it is, and they can act on it.

Amazing app!

Me and my partner LOVE this app and I recommend it to people who travel a lot or just want to learn better ways to love your significant other! We use this app everyday and get new ideas.

Excellent idea but missing a crucial feature

Title. But why can’t we update our Love Tank in our Apple Watch? That would make this app perfect.

Update Idea

On the app you can make goals for yourself, and hint at your partner what you would like for them to work on. I think you should be able to make goals for your partner and when they have completed them they can tap them to be done.

Good reminder

Good reminder about things that you want to do with your spouse

awesome but...

AMAZING app the only thing that could make it better would be an option to add multiple partners for polyamorous relationships

Great app

I love your app it’s great helped me out a lot thank you

Change photo

How do I change my photo in Love Nudge, can’t seem to access it from setting nor profile

Great app!

Great app, very informative. The only thing that I’d love enhanced is the amount of people that you can connect with. I’d love to be able to have the kids or friends take it as well, and connect with more ideas for them.

Day one Review

It took us a while to realize there were icons on the bottom edge of the app it would be nice if you could increase the contrast. Also some of the features are not self-explanatory


I would give it 5 stars but the notifications does not work.

i love it

this app is great, and my boyfriend enjoys it too; but i wish i could remove some of the goals because i accidentally put some on there i didn’t mean to put and they’re just stuck there.

SO Helpful

It let me know how my partner’s love languages have changed since we’ve gotten married so I can focus more on there right things to do for him.

Can’t check off goals

My boyfriend and I get the emails and thought this app would help us. We cannot figure out how to check goals or move our love tank at all. It’s defeating even though we are trying.

i like the idea

I like the idea of the app but i think it would be a lot more helpful for when you make the goals they also get sent to your partner. So they can keep updated and cross them off for themselves.

Very Helpful!

Is like personal assistant for love relationships


خيلي باحاله فقط اگه قسمت چتش روون تر باشه بهتره

Fun Connection

Lots of great ideas for filling the Love tank of your partner. Great App! Thanks!

Get us to communicate

It was tough to start but we are get to know more about each other

Update a goal

How do I show that I’ve done a goal...updating them for the day?

Would love a Love Nudge widget for iPhone!

Love the app... would love it if you could create a Love Nudge widget for the iPhone. Thanks!

5 Negative User Reviews for Love Nudge


Can’t figure it out

Assumes you are in a romantic relationship

Only got as far as taking the quiz based on a theoretical “partner” - the app wouldn’t let me proceed past that point without putting in a partner to share the app with. I just wanted a resource for 5 love languages as they relate to friends and family.

Unable to update partner status

I don’t have a partner and there is no way for me to delete their profile presence from my account

Not intuitive

Been trying to figure out how to use this once synced. I hope I can figure it out it’s a great concept

So far so good

I think the app is intuitive and easy to use. I have one question: how do I add competitions l for each task? Thanks

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