13 Positive User Reviews for Ludo Club・Fun Dice Board Game
Developer need to do better
I want to ask the Developer of a Man or Woman a ? Is only special people can win this game I really want to know. Cause if it’s really so you guys are really messed up I swear. Do better mon I swear this game is in need of some good look after
Fun but has problems
I keep winning but the percentage doesn’t do up and my “won games” doesn’t increase. Sometimes the dice just keeps rolling and if doesn’t stop then the bot turns on automatically ( nothing to do with the internet).
Computer wins again?
I’ve been playing this for about a week. Since I played Parcheesi as a kid and really liked it, I was thrilled to see I could get it on my phone. I play with the computer. IT CHEATS! It gets all the rolls to send me back or enough to get home immediately. I should be so lucky!
Other than a nefarious computer. The game is well done and fun to play. It would be even more fun if you could win once in a while!
Give me 1 million coins
Give me 1 million coins
I am addicted but.....
I am addicted to this game, and it’s perfect but… I do have a suggestion. I really wish we were able to choose which dice we want when playing the quest.
Y’all need to fix some issues with this game. When I roll my dice, the game skips it and gives my count to the opponent. Makes no sense!
Great game except for credits disapearing,watc ads for fames n dice and credits disapear and frame disapears.makes me wanna rid this game.fix it please
I think you should stop banning people for defending themselves to others it’s totally unfair and we are all adults not children in school to be placed in time out. I love this game but I don’t want to be banned from chatting with others thst I have became friends with because of people who like to infuriate others and provoke people.
Translate option
Everything about the game is good but pls add this feature next time you update the game
1. Pls add a translate option in game chat because most if them we meet opponents who speak other languages and its hard for us to understand what they are saying in chat. Ty thats all
Time to leave
Thank you for giving me the blue grey badge. I had it once right after I first started playing on your app but your friend soon took it from me. And I've noticed as always I'm the one who mostly gets more lower numbers where all the others gets lots of 6 or 5 and a few lower ones. So I think I should just quit and leave you all alone. I'm very sad it's the way it is. So good luck with you and all your players. Bye
Bring back bolt. I love that mode. Classic takes long lol. I just want bolt back. Like now.
What happened to bolt mode?
Hey I loved playing the fast bolt, as it’s less time consuming than the others. I recently saw that I didn’t have that option available to play. Please add the fast bolt mode back 🙏
Crash failure
App keep crashing please fix this thanks. Sometimes I’m in a 30mil game and just like that the game keep crashing