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Maps of our World App Reviews

The Maps of our World app recently received 12 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices, and 1 negative reviews. Users in the United States have given Maps of our World app an average rating of 4.75 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 19.5K ratings since its release on Mar 24 by Theodor Mueller. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Maps of our World?

Ratings and Reviews
Rated 4.67 out of 5

19.5K global ratings

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4 Star
3 Star
2 Star

Explore global reviews of the Maps of our World app: Germany, Italy.

12 Positive User Reviews for Maps of our World

Review of Geo App

My sister age 6 loves this and is motivated to learn more country’s and capitals because of this app.

False Advertising for Map Features

Before I bought the every map add-on for $14.99, the previews for the map (such as Asia or Africa) said that there were 300+ cities included. On the contrary, there are only the 75 biggest cities plus the capitals which definitely does not add up to 300. It’s still a pretty useful app overall but the lack of cities to learn for the continent maps is a bit annoying.

Easy and Accurate

Very easy interface. Fun to use and test myself.


So good Nathan

Never too old to learn

I’m 72 and now can locate 200 countries in the world. A year ago, I couldn’t . Thanks for the fun.

Love it

Please add a detailed map of India

Just got app and made purchase.

9/8/23 Hi, I have yet to use this app but would like to make a suggestion: Under In-app purchases, please indicate the size of the various packages. The overall app size of the starter app should be indicated as a separate size from the purchases, please. Also, I assume that more modules for India, Africa, perhaps more detailed geographic features like rivers, mountain ranges will be forthcoming...? I will update my review later on. Starting with 5 stars. I read a lot of the r

Nice App

Please include a detailed segment of China like you do for Switzerland, Germany, US, and Canada. I would love to continue with China next.

It is so good for your child!

I have this being so fun! U get to look at lots of geography!

World Maps

I love this game because you get to pick your own country and when I do that, I go onto quiz, and everything is very very very very easy!!!!

Everything I was looking for!

Best app to learn geography ever! Very user friendly, clean design, intuitive, fun!

1 Negative User Reviews for Maps of our World

No country of Palestine

There is no country of Palestine so why is it over the map of Israel? The country is ISRAEL!!