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MC Server Connector App Reviews

MC Server Connector app recently received 16 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. Users in the United States have given MC Server Connector app an average rating of 2.89 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 122 ratings since its release on Jan 21 by Samir Mokiem. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about MC Server Connector?

Ratings and Reviews
Rated 3.81 out of 5

122 global ratings

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Explore global reviews of the MC Server Connector app: Italy.

16 Positive User Reviews for MC Server Connector

make it better

id love it so much more better IF THERE WERENT AN ISSUE WHERE IT KEEPS LOADING AND LOADING SO PLEASE fix this issue

Keeps not connecting

It’s random if I connect to the server or don’t

Best app

This app is actually amazing at first I was doubting about it but now iam liking the app 10/10 recommend

5 star

This app is amazing it works perfectly. Perfect app just like perfect devs!

Get the app now

I love this app and u don’t need money

Update to 1.19.21

Can you update to the newer servers version? Y cant connect anymore :(

It works kinda

So if only works for some servers if it’s possible could you try and connect more unknown servers?

App dosnt even work right now

It worked for me for about a week now all it does is crash

It’s good except one thing

I love this app it works and pretty well but when you try to use the provided servers they don’t work so devs if you see this please fix it. Bye have a wonderful day

Muy buena app

Pero justo actualizo Minecraft y la app está desactualizado, y no me deja entrar ahora… cuanto se tardan en actualizar la app?

Good but one question

It’s a very good app, the server showed up fine but some servers say unable to connect to the world and also is there a way to turn my phone off and the sever still be running?

App review

I definitely recommend the app. It is good because I can play different servers without having to buy a pc to play on Java.


um so when I loaded the app the first time so it could load a sever it worked but the next time it take forever to load

Eh app

When I first downloaded this app I got into 1 server then the rest ain’t work

good but some bugs

okay for me dose not work and dosw not work most of the servers that i try to join dont work i

Good but there is better

If you’re on iPhone there is one called “BedrockTogether” that’s better in any way than this, hope this helps

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