12 Positive User Reviews for Metal Slug 3
Make the controls bigger please
I’m so frustrated the tiny controls are really annoying and they are absolutely a pain in the back-side. Can you please make the £uck1ng controls bigger? I would really appreciate it.
Needs An Update badly
This game is very good, you porting it is already amazing. But you need to update this. You didn’t even have to add new stuff just fix the game. Controls you can’t size them big enough. Controller Grenade button doesn’t work. And add wide screen if you ever could.
Great port, whacky controls- no ability to map Xbox/PS controller
Please update with the ability to map a controller, I cant use the grenades
I grew up, playing Metal Slug, the entire series, I owned it on PS2, and I continue to play it on my phone (I have an iPhone 13). The one discrepancy I do have is when using a controller I am unable to throw grenades. It is very difficult to complete some missions without the ability to throw grenades. I am updated also, for related to the controller and my phone, and no matter which controller I use I’m running to the same issue of not being able to throw grenades
Do better
Do better the controllers are not it ! It ruins the game we need more mobility
Compatibility with joy cons
There is a bug that I can’t press the button c to throw the bomb on my joy-cons. Please fix it. Thanks
Moving with new update
Always played this game on iPhone , but the new update made the controls smaller than usual , I can only resize them smaller than they already are , increasing the size limit to the controls would be nice
Please fix this
This game is incredibly hard to play with such a small joystick. Other than that this is an incredible port with some awesome graphics and keeps the same funny and dramatic levels. Very nostalgic and super enjoyable, just fix the size of the buttons.
The controls can improve a little bit, plus add a external controller connectivity. Game is a classic and one of my favorites but it need improvement with the controls.
The joystick is inconvenient to operate.
Moving the remote rod cannot follow the fingers, which is too inconvenient to operate. I hope this mode of operation can be improved.
2 Negative User Reviews for Metal Slug 3
Incomplete Controller Support
I was excited to relive this game on my iPad using my Xbox controller, but none of the buttons are mapped to throwing a bomb. Hoping they fix this, I hate using on screen controls.
Save your money unless you’re very bored
Good lord I saw people complain about the controls but I didn’t think they would be this bad.. the game doesn’t register a lot of the button taps and don’t even bother trying to have a fair game with the games analog stick, please for all that is holy update the joy stick and make it bigger and more responsive. This game lives and dies by how well you can control your character and when the joy stick is this bad.. it just makes it unplayable. The port itself is fine, only crashed once on me so f