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Mindfulness.com Meditation App App Reviews

Mindfulness.com Meditation App app recently received 45 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. Users in the United States have given Mindfulness.com Meditation App app an average rating of 4.90 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 783 ratings since its release on Jul 21 by mindfulnesscom. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Mindfulness.com Meditation App?

Ratings and Reviews
Rated 4.96 out of 5

783 global ratings

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45 Positive User Reviews for Mindfulness.com Meditation App

Embracing Mindfulness

Oh how this world needs to embrace the practice of mindfulness. My journey is fairly new and I have seen and experiences such wonderful calmness in myself. My personal practice includes watching wonderful films such as ‘the mindfulness movement’ movie. I highly encourage you all watch and then begin your own mindfulness journey.

Mindfulness movie

Loved the mindfulness movie, so interesting and inspiring

Loved this

I felt the best I have felt in the last few days after 10 minutes of this meditation. Thank you.

Beautifully transparent Tara Brach.

A gentle series of meditations with Tara reminding me to trust the goodness, or gold, in myself; and all other beings. As her mother challenged years ago, can I believe and choose goodness at the start of each day? It may take more discipline and practice in 2024, to quiet “the noise”, but I will try to honor Tara’s message. Thank you for this opportunity to listen in.

Thank you

Enjoyed this meditation. So needed and glad it worked to be outside to listen to it. Thank you


I begin my day with Mindfulness and often find myself turning to it during moments or intense stress or rising emotion. This has helped me immensely with emotional regulation, manage my stress, anxiety, and become more present, rather than constantly running on a hamster wheel. There are multiple teachers and you have the ability to customize the meditation time, even down to 1 minute. This app is the best and money well spent!


Just what I needed.


Nice voice, well paced, calming, just what I was looking for.

Cory Muscara

Amazing!! What a gift Cory has, thank you for sharing it with the world. I listen to Mindfulness app every day has been life-changing.


So grateful for these meditations ! Having it and starting my day with a meditation has made practicing mindfulness easier than it has ever been. I’m especially happy with the latest updates ; suggestions for meditation moments throughout the day. Also enjoying background music while meditating, I just tried it this week and I think it’s helping me to not mentally wander off as far as I sometimes did during practice. Thank you to the developers, I love your app!


It’s really a great app !!!


What a wonderful app! Feel lighter already! It was good to hear about Cory’s background. Looking forward to the next 10 sessions.


I was not familiar with Tonglen meditation, but it was exactly what I needed today! I appreciate the expansiveness of this app!


New to the app but so far it’s exactly what I was looking for.

Meditation made easy

Meli and Corey have helped me look upon life with new eyes.


I frequently find the exact message needed for the Day. Have used the Sleep section as well, clearing my mind of the days clutter, and dealing with ruminating thoughts that sometimes arise in the middle of the night! The courses are wonderful and help also with a feeling of completion. Most of all it has helped me gain a mostly daily practice! And the practice is ............... the space for growth! Non-permanence! Yes!! Thank you all for your gift of teaching!

Peace & Understanding

I listen to Mindfulness daily to gain insight into the mind and ways of the world. I often listen to Cory during my lunch break to start back at work fresh & renewed. I also fall asleep to a breathing exercise or nature sounds. I truly love it!❤️


It has become a pre-sleep routine that I enjoy

First day

I enjoyed the meditation, didn’t even hope it would finish sooner.

Love this!

One of my favorite teachers and meditations.


My friend and I were at a writing conference. She said her favorite part was when the keynote speaker took us through a mindfulness exercise. I suggested that we use a mindfulness meditation as we settled in to sleep that night. She told me the next morning that she rested more deeply than she had in a long time and planned to use it when she went home to her husband and children. It was a great way to feel relaxed in a new environment with so much on our minds from the conference.

Mindfulness and Gratitude Practice

Great way to start my day with a mindful and gratitude practice

A search would be nice

I purchased the App mainly to follow Cory who I appreciate very much. My biggest issue with this App is there is no search of any kind. Everything is in categories, which is fine for most things I suppose, but I’d really love to be able to search the App for what I want.

The best meditation app out there

I am a mental health provider and I’ve tried so many meditation apps. This is by far my favorite one!

Grounding reset button

I love the mindfulness app, it really helps with my anxiety and helps me to refocus when I’m feeling distracted or overwhelmed. There are many focus areas, teachers, and they even have mini sessions as short as 1 minute. It’s so flexible and nice to incorporate in my day. A huge mental health booster for my anxiety, depression, and ADHD.

Mindful Eating

This was a wonderful course in mindfulness eating. Free of judgment and informative. I highly recommend!

Great meditation app!

I am grateful to have been able to get the discounted Lifetime Subscription. Lovely app, meditations, and feel/look.

Great app

I always have trouble sleeping and this app has helped me to go to sleep and have better sleep quality and release tension when I have too much!! Love this!!!


This is revelation. The negativity bias affecting attitude of kindliness is huge in my life. Many thanks for this. Blessings, Donald. Just what I require at this time. Thank you! This is a real keeper!

Gratitude with Cory

I had been sinking into a low grade depression as I loosened my meditation discipled practice (everyday since 2012) to shorter sit times, less deep - I started sacrificing clarity and focus and a feeling of all good things. People see me as a “joy person” and yet I found myself dwelling on negative thoughts. This late night meditation was a real reboot and reminder of how essential is my meditation practice for me to live Life in my essence. This session was excellent!! I am coming home to mysel

4-7-8 breathing

Love the calming music, and of course, Cory’s voice.


I love being a tree. Helps my anxiety truly wonderful thank you so much That was powerful. Thank you so much Corey.

Amazing course

I am taking Cory’s meditation course and although I have meditate for years I am learning a lot of Helpful techniques. I wonder what else the app has to offer? Can’t wait to discover. A short 15 minute exercise leaves me as relaxed as if I had d done it for hours. Thank you ~ Barb Wittwer

Spell correctly so you don’t seem drunk

Seriously. You seem like no one is in charge, given how many messages to users are misspelled.

Bamboo Story

The bamboo story is a great one about patience.

The space between stimulus and response

One of my favorite meditations!

We have a choice

I started following Cory on this Mindfullness app now I also follow his teachings on IG. I have found his insights, teachings and his current book simple and easy to encompass in my daily practice of living my best life. Grateful for authentic, experienced spiritual teachers like Cory🙏🏼

New beginnings

I'm relatively new to meditation. I am experiencing peace, serenity and a deeper understanding of who I am and how I can be of service to others through this wonderful approach to life. Grateful to my guides.

Wonderful app!

Starting to live my exploration of this app and loving it!!! Currently taking a 7-day course with Cory Muscara. I just finished a retreat with Cory and I have grown in small ways. It’s a process. A fabulous enlightening process!


This practice was very empowering for me. I was able to recognize my ability to ease suffering - mine as well as that of others. Great Job!


You’re on the right track

Very Grounded Instruction

Great App! What a treasure box of experiences! I just did my first session of having more self-compassion and it was wonderful. The visualizations gently helped me remember and feel so connected to the loving teachers from my past and present. If everyone could experience this practice we’d all be in a better place. How often do you hear you should have more self compassion? It’s easier for us to be kinder to the world when we are kinder to ourselves. Love it! The App seems easy to navigate


Just the right amount of time and the feeling of peace it brings!

Mindfulness app

Every day without fail I listen to the teachings on this app and then follow it up with the meditation that is offered in varying time segments. I love the messages, the teachers and the meditations because they are helpful, thoughtfully prepared —-and shared and they provide powerful reminders for me as I go into the world and go about my day. The messages help improve my interactions and my thinking as I experience my day.

Super helpful healing app

Mel and Corey lead beautiful, insightful and healing meditations, each with a specific intention and practice. I’ve been using the app for about 9 months and recognize many small and greater changes in my day to day life. Thank you.

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