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Mini Skull App Reviews

Mini Skull app recently received 32 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. Users in the United States have given Mini Skull app an average rating of 4.25 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 481 ratings since its release on Mar 23 by Morefun Technology Limited. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Mini Skull?

Ratings and Reviews
Rated 4.81 out of 5

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32 Positive User Reviews for Mini Skull

Good game but

Its a good game but the charge bar is always empty and i have to watch an ad.

So many adds

Fun but too many adds

Good game

Good game, make more like it <3

Perfect game

I love how cute the skull is and the fact he continually gets stronger.The skull has infinite potential.

The 3rd boss

I love this game. However, ive been fighting the bone dragon for about 3 months and i still cant beat him

Great game

A vary good game I love the style of the game :)

Good game

Great game good replay ability had fun entire adventure not difficult nice upgrade mechanic

A few things

Its a great game however chapter three is a bit ridiculous in terms of difficulty. I have no idea what the eggs ive collected do and the rainbow currency has no value as far as i can tell. And the amount you can play the game without your battery depleting is too small. Its fun so ill give it 5 stars but those are my main concerns

Fantastic Game

Amazing traditional pick your own adventure game. The options are really varied, and the developers truly engage with and take advice from the community. Ads aren’t forced on you, but you can truly find yourself being inspired to want to support the creators. Really pleasant game and I’m looking forward to the future of it.


Good game to kill time with. However the Immortal Pirate Captain fight is ridiculous to me. It makes no sense to retry dozens of times just to try to pass The Seas when I always lose even with 500+ hit points and usually 300 damage per hit.. especially when it takes no more 3-5 attempts before passing a hard boss right before this one. The revival option disappeared after the first few times in the final fight of that level.

Very Worth While App

To start this i feel like this is one of the great additions to mobile games, not only having the perfect amount of ads and we thought out playing time but it also gives alternative options to what you can do. Overall awesome game i say give it a try P.S. Devs please add more :)

Great game!

I like your game, but I don’t get to play much of it unless I watch ads. I get you need money to keep it going, but later on when the game is used a lot by people maybe remove the limit on the recharge bar? For now though I’ll watch the ads because this game is definitely worth it!

Thought it be fun to try it out

Oh boy was I right. I havent had this much fun playing a lite rpg since discovering zork. Thanks for the smiles


Such a cute, simple, yet engaging little game! Just what I was looking for!

Didn’t know

Ok so I just search Mini Skull on the App Store randomly and then this app came up and it looked fun so I downloaded it an I just got to say amazing game Design and great Community awesome job developers!

Note for the developers

I love this game, it’s adorable! One weird thing is that when it asks me to click a button to write a review, the button takes me to different app in the App Store?? Not a huge deal but might make user responses harder to obtain.


This game doesn’t get the recognition it deserve! Truly amazing! I play during my down time and I just love the story and simple yet fun aspects of the game! 😍

Best game

This is the best game I’ve ever played

A lovely little rp game

It’s currently my favorite game at the moment with its pixelated design and “choose you’re adventure” aspect.

Awesome game

Super fun and cute game! Love the pixel graphics and design.

I love this game!!

I have always loved fantasy games, and seeing Mini Skull, and the art style it's made in, and the way it was described in advertisements made me absolutely fall in love with it! I have been getting frustrated with the dragon's fight, and such, and how the controls work, because they seem very confusing at first, but overall, it's an adorable, and wonderfully charming game! Now, take my opinion with a grain of salt due to how I have already stated that I previously loved fantasy games and stuff


this game is so cute and so fun! the game mechanics are super simple but still very enjoyable! and as a bonus, the ads are true to the games nature!! the storyline is so much fun because it’s different every time, and even though a choice may look the same as one you’ve made in the past, there’s a good chance it has a completely different result! so much fun and a great way to spend time! thank you creator!!

This is great

Honestly this is an adorable and lovable game to play and I like the fact that they don’t make it easy I died to the dragon a phew times now and the fact that it still progresses past that excites me so I suggest you try it out

10/10 game

It fun you can play over and over and get permanent upgrades and it’s super cute

Very fun, but stuck

So let me start with the fact that this game is incredibly fun and I have no hate against it, I just seem to be either really bad or something but on chapter 4 normal enemies are 10x stronger than me. For example, there are tree trunk mobs with a ton of health (I’d guess 700) health and deal 32 damage as a common enemy, I have 107 health and deal 73 damage. Not to mention the final boss has at least 3200 health and does 60 damage, my character can’t even last long enough to get 4 hits in, I need

This game is underrated

Infinity stars it’s so cute good game mechanics and it’s free

It’s a challenging game!

The game is cool and is very easy to fan out, the only thing I didn’t like was that every time I tried to fight the dragon I always died envenena when I tried to escape. But other than that, it’s a really good game over all and I finally defeated the dragon!


at first I had though it was something close to a concept I did in my CSD class and it seems to be the. Case however it has better designs as well as a older feel to it while including the. Same current game opportunities.

Idle Play

Fun game to pass the time when youre not doing anything.

Keep up the good work

Could use a more of a store/ shop in the future

Solid game. Worth it to buy

I hate ads. You can play this game if you reeeeeally put in the time and grind but if not, you have to watch endless ads to survive and make enough gold to upgrade from the start. Fun enough I bought it. Adorable. Looking forward to playing a few times.


The odds of the red dragon or great dragon occurs is too frequent and soon. Few hits and bam you have a game over as it doesn’t allow you to attempt to leave but once. Other than’s not a bad game.

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