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Missale Romanum App Reviews

Missale Romanum app recently received 6 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. Users in the United States have given Missale Romanum app an average rating of 4.74 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 19 ratings since its release on Feb 23 by Rafael Cereceda. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Missale Romanum?

Ratings and Reviews
Rated 4.83 out of 5

19 global ratings

5 Star
4 Star
3 Star
2 Star

Explore global reviews of the Missale Romanum app: Spain, Italy.

6 Positive User Reviews for Missale Romanum

Very worth it!!!!! 😊

These days the great mayority of people have smartphones. Every christian catholic should be having one of these on their phone to keep up and be fully aware of Mass like it should be. 😊😄 Often we recite prayers so commonly that they may lose a bit of their value, is good to know more of your Mass, our Solemn Celebration. Its the nearest, most vivid moment we have with Christ.

Misal Romano

Una excelente herramienta. A great tool to take with you and be available to Mass celebrations anywhere anytime Father Jose Diaz Rodriguez


Hola! Me parece fabuloso el Misal; pero no encuentro la traducción al español por ninguna parte... Gracias mil por la colaboración. Saludos, Jennifer

Bueno. Necesita actualizar para iPhone X

Muy buena app para uso diario. Fácil de usar y cambiar a latín. Necesita actualizar / optimizar para iPhone X y XS Max. Se quedó en display de iPhone 5. Eso dificulta el display y se cambia de página.

Mass Readings

Why is the translation of the Scripture readings different from the USCCB approved Lectionary readings for the USA? Really like the app besides above comment. It takes several tries to learn how to navigate in this app.


How do I get to the English Version?

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