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MN on a Stick App Reviews

MN on a Stick app recently received 14 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. Users in the United States have given MN on a Stick app an average rating of 5.00 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 48 ratings since its release on Aug 24 by Daniel Nugent. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about MN on a Stick?

Ratings and Reviews
Rated 5.00 out of 5

48 global ratings

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2 Star

14 Positive User Reviews for MN on a Stick


This is incredible. Their first app according to Reddit. Crushed it!

Great app!

Very well done! I look forward to the fair each and every year—this will help me plan my visit. I appreciate the easy-to-navigate and intuitive interface.

Best app for MN fair.

Easy to use, great UI. So much better than struggling with whatever the official app is trying to do.

Great app, just what fair lovers needed!

I love this app. It’s so well done and easy to use. No more writing paper wishlists of food items and carrying maps!

Awesome app!

Super easy app to navigate and use! A perfect app to navigate the Minnesota state fair. Can’t wait to use!


I go to the state fair roughly 3 times each summer, and I’ve always struggled to find certain booths. My favorite feature is the “wishlist” section. Now I’ll actually be able to find the places I want to try efficiently. I am so excited to use this at the fair this year!

Best State Fair App!

I highly recommend downloading this app if you plan to attend the Mn State Fair this year. It’s extremely easy to use and tons of good information!

Finally a good state fair app!

I’ve been looking for a good app for navigating the state fair since moving to MN and this is pretty much exactly what I’ve been hoping for.


This app is super intuitive, easy to navigate, and provides great insights to fair activities. I can’t wait to use it this year!


Great app for organizing your trip(s).

Perfect for foodies

I basically only go to the fair for the food and always feel stressed on planning my day or that I’m missing something that’s new this year. This app is awesome to be able to see it all in one place, filter preferences, AND mark it on my wishlist. Bonus is I don’t have to try to also figure out all the events bc they’re listed in one spot as well. Super easy and nice to have on hand for my visit!

Awesome app!

Better than anything else, maybe in the future consider offering a “yes” and a “maybe” option to favorites. There’s so much to try that we end up flagging things we are slightly interested in so it would be cool to keep track of those vs the must-haves

Can’t wait to use it live

This app with the interactive map & being able to heart items has already saved me so much time in searching out what I want to find to eat. The search function is great. The map is great. The filters are great. Hopefully it’ll just grow every year to include other vendors like face painting or caricatures. Regardless, this is the only app I’ll need.

Make it Official

I almost stuck with the official state fair app, but I am so glad I decided to try this one. This app is way better. The dev made sure to include all the options one might need when enjoying the state fair. Nice job!

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