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Morse Machine App Reviews

Morse Machine app recently received 10 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices, and 1 negative reviews. Users in the United States have given Morse Machine app an average rating of 2.75 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 40 ratings since its release on Mar 19 by Andrea Salvatore. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Morse Machine?

Ratings and Reviews
Rated 4.00 out of 5

40 global ratings

5 Star
4 Star
3 Star
2 Star

Explore global reviews of the Morse Machine app: Italy, Spain.

10 Positive User Reviews for Morse Machine

Good app that could be great with bug fixes

I have been training with this app and I like the design but am struggling with the doubled-up characters and freeze-ups that another reviewer mentioned.

My favorite CW learning app

I like that it works on both my iOS and macOS devices. It would be nice if my progress could be synced between devices.

Almost perfect

Works great but there is a bug that causes it to delay for a while. I’ve done like people posted about extending the time to 10 and while it makes it better, it’s still not working as it should. Fix this bug and I’ll upgrade it to 5 stars.

Best iOS character app but.

Would be so much help if it sent words. This app will make character recognition great. But the next step is word recognition. Nothing for that? Cmon devs


I've finally learned all of the characters after trying off and on over the years. This app, however, is buggy. It freezes often, stops playing the sounds, and sometimes plays two sounds at once.

Great app

For those having issues with the sound of the code doubling, change your letter timeout to 10 seconds.

Great app!

Works great for me! A super way to learn by sound, not visualizing the code.....the worst habit of all.

wish there was a way to ask for multiple characters at a time

wish there was a way to ask for multiple characters at a time so i can eventually reach words

Changed my review from 1 to 4 stars

I followed the guidance to change the letter timeout from 2 to 10 seconds and it eliminated the periodic double character output. Thanks!

1 Negative User Reviews for Morse Machine

Buggy IOS

Very buggy on IOS doesn’t work with blue tooth keyboard either

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