26 Positive User Reviews for Mr Bullet 3D
Great. Just a few things
Here’s a short simple answer: good for car games, too much ads. I play it on airplane mode.
Gets very glitchy at times
Good game but no updates
This game is fun but they don’t make more chapters.
Great! But it’s the ads
It is great how it’s 3D, I always wanted a Mr Bullet 3D. But there are too much ads. Every 2 levels an ad shows up. Too much ads! Please Reduce the ads a little. But still, thank you for making this game!
This game is really cool and all, but I finished each game mode and I think more levels would be necessary. I also think building your own level would be a really good idea to add.
Fun, but
Fun game, like that they’ve punched up the graphics but for the love of god, let us get rid of the ads
Fun But To Short
The Game Is Great But There Is Like No Levels
This game is so fun
I absolutely love this game, I was skeptical about it being 3d, but boy was I wrong! The fact that it changes, like in the 2d one, there are no ninja stars, but in this one there are! I have beaten the whole game, I just need some new levels
I beat the game
Add more content
Good but won’t progress.
First, The tnt on chapter 3 level 11 won’t spawn making the level impossible without the sniper, second on chapter 3 level 18 the level won’t even load up soft locking the game and making it impossible to progress. Please fix these issues.
Zombie Chapter Not Loading
The zombie chapter doesn’t load. Is anyone else having this issue? It’s just a gray screen but you can hear the music
Can’t finish
Good game, but it isn’t allowing me past level 17 on the Zombies level. Just simply won’t load, even after I uninstalled and reinstalled.
Love all these games but…
This is mainly for the developers, you guys need to be better about actually updating this game and the other Mr.Bullet games more frequently. There hasn’t been an update in 2 months and it was just bug fixes? If you guys want people to play your game you need to update it. It’s honestly annoying how often Lion does this kind of crap. Fun game, annoying devs
Good Game but
It is a awesome game but there could be more levels/areas
Toooo many ads ugh
This is the second time I downloaded it and now I remember why I deleted it before too many ads
Really fun and very enjoyable but it’s more of a waste of time than it’s worth for me
Am deleting it again
You should change the way the menu looks so it matches with the different graphics
Too many ads!!!
Great way to pass the time but there’s an ad after every level. I’d pay to avoid the ads
It would be 5 stars if it didn’t have so many glitches. Sometimes on levels the enemy’s can Insta die same for the hostages, only other issue is the adds every minute but you can just turn airplane mode on.
Good but had a problem
It was ok but the boxes and buttons and other objects were for some reason were super bright and were glowing please fix I loved the first mr bullet.
What I expected
This was a good game the ads weren’t after every level and I had no problems with the mechanics. Of course the only thing I would want is more levels because I finished it in one day. Other than that it was a nice experience.
Fun but weird???
In bullet city there is a texture glitch for the tnt and boxes for me it’s black n white so idk what’s wrong with it my phone or game??
Sigma Bullet
This game is so much fun, and to make it better it’s literally in 3D!
It’s good!
I like this game but I wish there was more than 2 levels. Other than that it was pretty fun!
One of the best
This is like the original version but in 3D wich makes the game way better
Impossible level?
On chapter two level 135 it almost immediately kills the hostage making it impossible so it’s either impossible or I’m missing something.
This is better than then the original