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Murmur : voice diary App Reviews

The Murmur : voice diary app recently received 8 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices, and 1 negative reviews. Users in the United States have given Murmur : voice diary app an average rating of 4.46 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 79 ratings since its release on Jul 24 by Junhyeok Heo. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Murmur : voice diary?

Ratings and Reviews
Rated 4.13 out of 5

79 global ratings

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8 Positive User Reviews for Murmur : voice diary

just one thing

i really like the app, i just wish you could have multiple diary entries in one day, instead of one entry per day

Lost pin

Okay app but you have to email to reset pin. No automatic system. Lack of personalization, and you can only record one a day. For 15 minutes which for people who have a lot to say isn’t much.

Love it - just wish I could add multiple recordings to one day

Love this app. I was always into physically journaling but I love being able to just pull out my phone & document verbally how i’m feeling! I just wish you could add multiple recordings on one day. Because some times I like to document how i’m feeling in the morning, mid-day, & evening.

Nice App but cannot export recordings

The App is great by itself! But I could not find how to export my recordings anywhere. I tried looking for it files->on my iphone, but I was't there. I really hope this gets resolved! Or else I fear that I'll loose all my recordings if I accidentally delete the app or if it is one day not supported.

Journaling for those who have trouble writing

I have always wanted to journal, but I have a lot of issues when it comes to properly expressing things on paper. So this app has been the best way to journal with recordings before I sleep. I also love that I can go back and listen to what I felt on a given day.


Great app. Exactly what I was looking for. I just wish the recording time would be increased to 20 minutes or removed all together.

exactly what i’ve been looking for

i used to love typing but lately it’s hard because i just wanna talk it it’s so much easier to just say what comes to mind right away , cause when i type i second guess myself. it feels like a safe place.

1 Negative User Reviews for Murmur : voice diary


So I’ve been trying to use this a couple tries but when I’m recording myself it actually won’t save all of it and till stop at like 2:27 or something like that and then all of the audio after that point gets deleted and it’s kinda frustrating because the reason I keep a diary is so I can look back on problems and reassess them and the fact that I have audio missing makes it so I can’t do that.