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NanoStudio 2 App Reviews

The NanoStudio 2 app recently received 36 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. Users in the United States have given NanoStudio 2 app an average rating of 4.53 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 311 ratings since its release on Aug 21 by Blip Interactive. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about NanoStudio 2?

Ratings and Reviews
Rated 4.22 out of 5

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36 Positive User Reviews for NanoStudio 2

Great app, but like most it looks to be abandoned.

Last update 3 years ago. Such a cool app with room to grow, shame that so many devs either run out of time or funding to keep gems like these going.


This app is fantastic for creating music. The app never crashes and sounds great. AUv3 apps work very well in NanoStudio 2. Recording and editing MIDI notes is super intuitive and NS2 is clearly the best iOS app for that sort of work. Audio is easily recorded into the built-in Slate “drum machine” and the included multi-synthesis Obsidian synthesizer is also a full featured sampler so I find it easy to use the sounds of any iOS synth (even IAA synths) by recording the audio. Even samples fr

Incredible app!

I first got nanostudio one several years ago to keep me occupied on flights when I couldn't play online games on my phone. I got so into it that I started releasing cassette tapes to my friends made purely from nanostudio one, as an exercise in restriction. That grew to several cassette tapes, a cd, and a vinyl record, released by various labels and sold around the world. I've also used nanostudio (both one and two) to perform live for the past decade or so. It's super handy to have such a versa

It’s the best iOS DAW IMHO except…

The audio track thing. They were planned to be added soon after initial release but the dev got sidetracked due to user requests for AUv3 compatibility. For me the audio tracks would have been much more useful than AU. I think audio tracks would’ve generated more sales also. Then he could have justified the time to implement AU. If you don’t need audio tracks then I would suggest NS2 over all the others. It does need an update but still… Also, reading some of these reviews, people are just wron


I've spent a lot of time with this app on iPhone and some on iPad, which has even more powerful features, like a frequency analyzer. It got me hooked on composition and sound design. There are a lot of options out there and I found this to be an excellent one. Workflow is great on the piano roll. Synth is super. There's so much to do you don't need in-app purchase expansions but they've been worth it, for me. Reasonable, especially on sale. Exporting files as audio or midi works great for furthe

The hits keep coming

I just realized I can plug any external synth directly into an init sample patch in NS2, trim it, and turn it into an instrument. That means instruments of all my Volcas, Refaces, MicroFreak, and my latest Wavestate MK2. The deeper I go, the more I’m convinced this is the greatest iOS app I’ve ever purchased.


Can we get an update soon? Ability to add audio tracks and a beater sampler would be nice.

Masterful - An iPhone Review

NanoStudio 2 is an all in one music making powerhouse. Its Obsidian synth is so good you don’t really need any other synths inside the app, as you can import a single sample into Obsidian and turn it into something great with relative ease, and that’s on top of the other synthesis methods it offers. Recording or drawing in automation to further add movement and interest to your sound is a snap, because the interface is as good as you will find on iPhone. All in all NanoStudio 2 ranks up there wi

My favorite iOS DAW!

It’s absolutely incredible for the price. The only drawback is it doesn’t have audio tracks. Besides that, it does everything perfectly. The included synth, drum machine and overall workflow makes this better than all of the other iOS DAWs. Thank you very much for making this, Matt.


Please add support for External MIDI to be able to be recorded into NS2, also, Please add suppport for drag and drop midis!! Make it easier to do so we dont have to use Streambyter or MIDI tools.

Snap crackle pop

Originally, I had to dig around a bit, but finally got a handle on the app. And soon crew to appreciate it. However, as I progressed, I discovered a few things. First, the inability to adjust the length of notes in the piano roll but I kind of found a workaround, using the duplicate function - still very imprecise, and did not help when shortening notes. But most disturbing was the crackling and popping that I was getting and realized how the CPU was being overwhelmed, when even just a few instr

Great place for making ideas!

I’ve been using NS2 for a few years and it is definitely the best iOS DAW app I’ve found for sketching out ideas. It’s more intuitive than most of the other iOS DAW apps that have more features.

It’s the best iOS DAW IMHO except…

The audio track thing. They were planned to be added soon after initial release but the dev got sidetracked due to user requests for AUv3 compatibility. For me the audio tracks would have been much more useful than AU. I think audio tracks would’ve generated more sales also. Then he could have justified the time to implement AU. If you don’t need audio tracks then I would suggest NS2 over all the others. It does need an update but still…

Great DAW, but there is no computer keyboard support

I love using this DAW and the workflow of it, but one drawback for me is not being able to use keyboard shortcuts. You cannot even type labels for your channel names. Sometimes it would be nice to type "S" to split a track or space bar to play. Devs: Please make keyboard shortcuts for the basic functionality. Things like grid, zoom, draw, delete, split, join, and loop. Thank you for all the work put in to NanoStudio. I really like this app :)


With all its features, the lack of audio tracks and recording to tracks has me transitioning to other apps. Great for making quick ideas.

Obsidian is the Best Synth. Period

Buy this if for no other reason than you get Obsidian built in (there’s no other way to get it and it’s not standalone). The rest of it is good too :)

I deleted the application and lost my files help

I deleted the application and lost my files help

Still no audio tracks?

Once timestretch, chopping, and audio comes I’ll update the stars

Needs audio tracks

Will probably actually use it regularly, and up to 5 stars once there are audio tracks. It’s only a sketch pad for me until then, and AUM makes a quicker sketch pad, so I use that mainly.

AudioKit Synth One compatibility

Synth One is not showing up in my list of synths in NanoStudio? Are they compatible?


I can finally get rid of FLStudio Mobile. Thanks, Matt!

Au3 not loading in...

Yes my purchased plug in synths won’t load in I have uninstalled and reinstalled the app... using iPad Air with latest iOS it’s a shame to be the interface looks smooth..

A complete daw on your iPhone

Love the NanoStudio 2 app! Would definitely ask the developer for another hip hop sound pack!! There are great sounds but i still crave more!!! Thanks in advance!!!!

The best iOS daw

I’ve probably tried a dozen others. This one is the most user friendly. You can tell the developer uses this because it wouldn’t be as good otherwise. Worth the money

More Multi samples acoustic instrument packs

Hello Developers Would you guys please make more awesome multi sampled acoustic instrument packs ?

Its back !

I know I’m a little late but Been with nano studios since the beginning. Great app and its easy to use . Made my first beats in 2011-12 then it stopped working till now. Thanks alot for bringing back my favorite beat , song making app.

Audio tracks please

I’m going back to GarageBand because I can’t record audio. I like the app but it’s useless without the audio.

If it could receive midi clock.

It would be useful in my studio if it could receive midi clock. Otherwise a way cool app, just cant sync it to my othersuff

Be aware of MIDI limitations

This is a nice mobile DAW with good auv3 support and a really nice mobile UI. However there is no MIDI clock sync or transport control, which really limits its value for me.

Will they ever add support of audio?

Been “in the works” since launch... other than this and having no arp, it’s phenomenal.

Lost Beats

I would definitely use it more if I could chop my samples up and either play them through the keyboard or drumpads and I’d happily start streaming my beat making on twitch.

Downgraded to 3 stars...

due to implementation of audio tracks never being met despite 2+ years waiting. Great app but disappointing communication from the developer.

Top Quality Sound

This is an amazing DAW the best I have work with on iPad and iPhone. When audio track is put in on this DAW, It definitely will be the champion of all. Amazing


Wasn’t this supposed to get audio tracks along time ago am I missing something?

Great app

Very close to perfect, once it gets audio tracks I’ll up my rating from 4 stars to 5

Best daw in app store

I have to say out of all the apps I've used over the years this is the most stable and effective DAW to date. One man developer team too which is impressive. Hosts auv3s. Tons of flexibility and the interface is fantastic even on an iPhone