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Oko - Cross streets and Maps App Reviews

The Oko - Cross streets and Maps app recently received 14 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. Users in the United States have given Oko - Cross streets and Maps app an average rating of 4.55 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 115 ratings since its release on Sep 24 by AYES BV. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Oko - Cross streets and Maps?

Ratings and Reviews
Rated 4.86 out of 5

115 global ratings

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14 Positive User Reviews for Oko

Very useful app for the blind

This app is very useful. It is a wonderful tool to have a supply initially impaired person as it makes it easier to navigate our environment using amazing technology

This is a tremendous app. It works well when I'm walking in downtown Omaha

This is a great app, when I am walking in downtown Omaha.

OKO review it is a great

OK hults to know when the lights have changed it is a great app

Amazing app!!

Very accurate app to help cross streets. Good safety factors.

Very accessible

This app is very useful to use when in particular situations when exploring or walking somewhere. The program I am in uses it regularly when walking during our O&M class.

A favorite innovation

In a world where not all traffic signals and crossing options are accessible for those of us who are blind or visually impaired, OK oh offers an intuitive tool for those of us privileged with smart phones to access, crossings, audibly, and hectically without having to locate traffic lights to push buttons, and even where there are none. The app is easy to set up, intuitive to use and surprisingly free. Access isn't just about technology that works for blind people, it's about affordability and e

First oko experience.

I was quite impressed by the instant access to the pedestrian signal. I had a demo at csun. As I turned my body, the audible alert stoped and started on demand.

I love this application fir safely crossing the street

I love this app. I utilize it fir crossing the streets during the day when the light is to bright for me to see the signs, and to stay straight when crossing. The audio cues and color cues allow me to safely cross

this is awesome

I like this app I used it on my OM trip and it’s very accessible. I like it. It tells me when to walk and when not to walk. I like the sounds too satisfying.


Good morning Oko team my name is Ulises Gomez. I totally love your application. I have not used it in my area just yet because I have not received any orientation and mobility yet but anyway question can I use this app in other countries? Looking forward to your email responses have a great day team sincerely Ulises

Delivers what it promises

In a world where many apps try to be all things to all people, OKOh is delightfully simple. It does what it says it does. It accurately and quickly identifies the state of traffic lights. In my experience, it was able to do this from a great distance, which can often be helpful when you are approaching an intersection. I am very picky when it comes to my apps, and I am usually very quickly disappointed by the trendy and new. In this case, though, I was delighted by my first experience with OKO

I feel so much safer now

This app was recommended to me by my mobility trainer after a really scary intersection, crossing in the middle of a big city with a crosswalk that did not make any sound when it was time to cross. I love having this when I have to cross intersections that are not disability friendly. My only complaint is that different lighting situations are not reliable, and if there are more than a few lanes, the app sometimes just continuously says it’s not safe to Cross? instead of simply telling me that i

Amazing app

Amazing application! So helpful!

Great app and quite useful

i’ve been using this app for quite some time and even had a mobility instructor approach me in the field to kind of see it in action that was quite fun