28 Positive User Reviews for Out There: Ω Edition
Full of fun little surprises
This game is a really fun and interesting little diversion. It is certainly challenging in the beginning, frustratingly so at times, but each excursion builds on each other making a wonderfully replayable experience.
So much fun except for one little problem
Pro: Absolutely wonderful gameplay; The storytelling is excellent; The UI is precise.
Con: The sound doesn’t work. Nothing no music no sound effects. Even when the settings for sound maxed out. It’s such a bummer. I guess they never finished that part.
Way too randomized
The game is good and very interesting, but even when you played it like 30 times or so, learned most of the mechanics and act the best possible way, the game still randomly kills you - like, sends you to a star formation where you can’t jump out from because your engines are not good enough (and you’re stuck and have to restart) or you just don’t meet a particular planet type on the way for a few steps and run of one of the resource (means, you die). It’s like punishing you randomly while you di
Pretty Good Game
EZ to understand and play; with virtually unlimited endings based on player choices. Nice graphics… Good time.
Well worth a couple bucks!
Well made + Frustrating
A beautifully made game that's immersive and impossibly difficult. Great graphics, writing and music won’t save this game from itself. Other reviewers have detailed the problem: gameplay is way too RNG!!
Great imaginative story
Very nice story. Lots of imagination and possibility. The journal entries captivate the reader. New journal entries would make better. Thank you for the game. Still some bugs, but it’s ok. Can’t wait for sigma theory
Excellent sci fi game
Thanks!!!!! Plz sigma theory next xd
Great game.
Don’t listen to the naysayers.
Pretty fun time killer
As I do enjoy the game and it’s difficult nature, I do have one complaint. No matter what I’m doing in game, randomly the pause menu comes up. This is a constant (every 3 minutes) annoyance. It makes me second guess even playing.
iPhone X support please!
Yep. “Out there” will fit brilliantly into iPhone X! Both the device and the game will contribute to each other, design wise. Please add iPhone X support!!!:)
Great game, also...
Completely random.. the gas probe sound completely sends my cat into a purring and kneading fit for 10 minutes. I’ve never seen anything like it and it’s adorable.
Good game
It’s a nice challenge to complete and has high replay value.
A great survival game
It’s so good that No Mans Sky based 80% of its gameplay mechanics on this little game. There are certain elements of luck that make it rather annoying sometimes. But I suppose that’s generally the nature of toughen based games.
Gas gas gas
I can never collect enough H or He to keep going!
This the biggest draw back to this game. It completely unpredictable what you will find in each system. Frustrating!!!
Please update the app so it fit iPhone Xs max screen
This one of my all time favourite games but I would really love it to be updated so it can fit the iPhone Xs max display.
Great game!
Beautiful graphics, great soundtrack and actually a challenge to start with. Most games these days are WAY too easy. I love that this one really makes you think.
A hidden gem
Not sure why this isn’t more popular. Immersive resource management game that really made me feel like I was lost in space.
I’ll play the heck out of it and then get bored come back a couple months later and do it again.
Any chance for a small update to skip the intro cutscene and optimize for new screen sizes?
Fun game if you can handle a horrible framerate
Expect an interesting game at about 10 FPS
Was a great game
This was a pretty cool game....but unfortunately doesn’t run well on the new iPad Air.
Too punishing
You can’t get through it. Why go to all this trouble to create a great experience and then terminate everyone before they can get into the game? Fail.
Really slow?
Very fun and a good, creative little time-killer, but on the iPhone XR this runs super slowly. I didn’t even know iOS apps could run this poorly.
thank y’all for optimizing this for the new gen iphones!!! still love playing this game
Please apply for korean lanquage
Please apply for korean lanquage
Amazing with the new updates!
Just want to thank the devs for picking them game back up. It was one of my favorites but when I got it on my iPhone X, it was improperly fitted. Not anymore! I can’t wait to start a new run; thanks again!
2 Negative User Reviews for Out There: Ω Edition
Not as good as they say.
Nicely put together but the chances of getting far in this game are slim. Small ships, low fuel, constant repairs. I'd choose another. The monotony of maintenance...
Waste of time.
Nihilistic ending, no new game plus, unsatisfying.