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Parchisi STAR App Reviews

Parchisi STAR app recently received 11 negative reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. Users in the United States have given Parchisi STAR app an average rating of 4.61 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 80.5K ratings since its release on Mar 24 by Gameberry Labs. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Parchisi STAR?

Ratings and Reviews
Rated 3.00 out of 5

80.5K global ratings

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4 Star
3 Star
2 Star

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11 Negative User Reviews for Parchisi STAR


I have a problems with this play in my iOS 12👎🏻

Maquinas y confabulaciones

Desde que están jugando las maquinas se ha vuelto un gran disparate. Aparte de todo no se cómo pero caen hasta 3 personas que se conocen y siempre juegan para que un de ellos gane. Dejen mejorar esas cosas.


The dice are rigged for the opponent to always eat when your ahead of them. Parchis needs to change their odds and possibilities when it comes to rolling dice instead of having predictable rolls. Other than that the game is fun.

Si compras te hace perder ! Para que continues comprando ! Los dados un fraude

Los Dados son un fraude benefician a uno jugador mas que a otro😡

Juego arreglado

Es divertido pero definitivamente arreglado y eso es molesto, estaría perfecto si lo dejaran completamente al azar.


i alway keep buying more coins an more and i feel like the game don’t help people the really spend money

Game is rigged

Game is rigged!!, code manipulates game. It is an ok game for a quick distraction, but if you feel like you are the one playing m, you are mistaken, the machine is playing the game for you, not you

Fun but flawed

The game is entertaining, but the dice algorithm is rigged. That sounds exactly what a loser would say, but it is many times rigged in my favor. It’s just not as fun that way.

Terrible algorithm

Started off fun but impossible to win every time you get close to a win the algorithm sets the higher ranked person up for a win. So frustrating!

Not a Level Playing Field

It's good fun until the other players cheat by paying to re-roll. Much like the Republican Party, those with money prevail and maintain an unfair advantage.

Rigged unless playing with friends!!!

This game with friends/family is fun! This game with random opponents is about as blatantly rigged as I have ever seen a game & not much fun at all!

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