30 Positive User Reviews for Path of Immortals: Survivor
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So far so good
I’ll update this review once I’ve played longer
So far so good
Will need a little more time.
Дорогие разработчики,у меня такая проблема мой телефон разбился полностью и я взял новый,зашел снова в игру но аккаунта моего нет,целый день пытался его восстановить но так и не получилось,у меня был аккаунт с ником Legenda с полтора миллиардом мощи,не можете ли вы мне как то помочь?
Super cool game
At first, I wasn’t sure about the game. But now, I absolutely love this game. There is so much to do in this game. And there’s a lot of mini games too so you’re not just playing one game. I find myself playing this game more than any of the other games I have. Absolutely love it!!!
Просто плохая копия dragon survival
Good game but
It’s a really fun game but I hate when you put rewards behind a time limit. I hate the 4hr or longer times to open chests. It makes me feel like I haven’t accomplished anything because I have to wait for my reward.
Игра реально классная! Единственно не понял зачем нужна кровь демонов
V fun and good. It’s cool and pretty different than other games I’ve played.
The music yo!
The gameplay is phenomenal
It’s a fun game but it feels overwhelming with all the stuff you can do.
Great game ads are bad though
Lost my character
With the latest update, I logged in and my character is gone completely. I have spent a significant amount of time building the character up to level 150 or more. I’m not sure how this happens or how to fix it or where to find a place to contact somebody not cool
fix the game please
the game had been actung crazy where my character is running around not shooting or doing anything and everything else is doing what there suppose to also i've literally put at the very least a couple thousand $'s in this game i have around 500 billion strength and shouldnt have to worry about things like that so please fix it. Its so bad im at the point i dont wanna play it anymore
Good so far
Like the mix and graphics are clean,
A lot of functions, good gameplay and nice events
Why all the other stuff?!
This game was fun when doing the survival portion and it was ok when doing the adventure portion, but nothing else added a single thing to the game. I dont need to do 6000 daily tasks for nothing. They are just creating more “in app purchase” opportunities with all the extra stuff. I just want a simple survival game where I get to just keep going as long as I can and then improve and try again. I struggled with possibly giving this a lower rating and if it wasnt for the great power-ups during th
Fantastic Game
I absolutely enjoy playing this game, I find myself losing time having so much fun with this game!! 😎✌🏼
Solid game
So far only completed the 1st Chapter. It’s kind of got the Archero vibe going on; in a good way. Let’s see where it can take me.
True dominant RPG for the avid mobile gamer
It has the elements of everything amazing, with no real solid tutorial that explains how any of the mechanics work. But somehow it manages to hook and captivate.
This one keeps a home on my phone. Worth a good 5 chapter run. With I believe 7-10 more to go if you stick around.
In game prices, insanely low. Most great deals, 1.99-2.99 anything more is well. Acceptable if you so choose to just be immortal with your spending.
Lots to do!
It’s a little daunting at first but just stick with it and things will become clear as mud…so much to do!!!!
Good time
Fun game not bad for ftp.
So far so good
Only through first chapter but enjoyable so far
The game is amazing I love it and how you have two option to do an all attack or just dungeon I definitely recommend
Fun killing time game
This game is good so far. The contents and graphics are good.
Fun gameplay
Fast paced and addicting. Lots of different builds and high replayability.
Great game
Brings a different element to the horde survival elimination of enemies.
Wow…Archero has officially evolved
It’s amazing, giving a story line….loving the dynamic’s
Quality Game
I’ve been playing this for months now, and I can confidently say that you can easily increase your “power” without the need to spend money. There aren’t forced ads, just optional ones for free materials and the like. Overall it’s the kind of game I look for.