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Pi Network App Reviews

Pi Network app recently received 45 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. Users in the United States have given Pi Network app an average rating of 4.23 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 10.8K ratings since its release on Nov 23 by SocialChain. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Pi Network?

Ratings and Reviews
Rated 4.49 out of 5

10.8K global ratings

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4 Star
3 Star
2 Star

Explore global reviews of the Pi Network app: Germany, Italy.

45 Positive User Reviews for Pi Network


Great app gives me something to do everyday this is a referral invite app. Feel free to use my code (Generalgains)


Earn digital currency in one Press of a button every 24 hours !!!!! Worth 20$ per 1 pi 2023 08/16/23


I have been mining for over two years (beta stages) and once they went public they were supposed to be in all the trading markets. Conveniently they are only in the Asian markets where they are based out of. So while the rest of the world is waiting years to turn a profit they have made millions I smell a class action coming soon if they can’t open in the rest of the worlds markets pretty soon.

Was loving it.

Was great, until ads rolled out. The first day or two of ads were fine, but then they started getting stuck on my screen. I can no longer access the apps many functions, because after turning off my iPhone to start fresh, another add appears, and then that freezes. The current system has a bug.



🏈Code : chuthichiem61

❤️Mã code : phuclam8

Invite Code : init4themoney

Great app 5 stars! Use init4themoney for the invite code for team mining.

Nhận 1 Pi

Nhập code “OcPu2hand” nhận ngay 1 Pi số lượng 100 người đầu tiên nha

Mine pi

I have been mining pie for quite a while. It doesn’t use up a lot of battery and you can mine from your phone. Please use my invite code charizma1410 I’m mine every day. You can definitely count on me to help your pi grow

App works great

thegreat3styet - very excited to see where this goes. Let's move Pi

Referral code TNJ9902

You will need a referral code to get started. Use TNJ9902. Thank me later

Use username bet223

use my username (bet223) as your invitation code. I’ve been using pi randomly for a year or so and it does exactly what it says, it mines pi. You can see exactly how many you have lined and how fast it is mining. Use my name bet223 if your going to start mining. And then come back here and write a review and leave your username for others to use!



I invite you to the pi network use jdatkin2 as invitation code

Use “ jdatkin2 “ promo code to sign up for this app. Pi network mine with your phone!

My pi account

Dearest devs. I have lost acces to my pi account. My email, phone number were verified and now thanks to the wonderful advances in tech; I can not regain entry. I was in the process of like all others( waiting for kyc) like we’ve been doing for years now. I need access to my account. I’ve been an ambassador since week 1 of pi’s beta phase or what not. Help me please.

iPhone 14 pro max

The island on the IPhone 14 pro max interferes with the display of the balance of pi

같이 갑시다 추천인코드: justtr

밑져야 본전? 이젠 부자의 길로 추천인코드: justtr 반신반의하여 시작하였습니다 배터리 소모 없이 하루 한 번 클릭만 하면 되니 밑져야 본전이라는 마음으로 지금 그 밑져야 본전이 부자의 길로 안내해 주고 있습니다 카페만 가보더라도 이젠 거래가 되고있습니다 더 늦기 전에 시작해 보세요 반드시 연락처 영문이름 정확히 확인하고 입력하세요

14 pro series update please

Kindly update and optimize the app for 14 pro series. Can’t see how much pi coins I have.

Referral Code required

This app requires a referral to get started. If you don’t have one already but want to get mining. Use “ drewisking ” as your referral code. You’re welcome!

iPhone 14 pro

App works great, could use an update for iPhone 14 pro to account for the notch

It’s ok

I think it has potential to become a currency also, if you need a code here’s mine: jake292345554

Use my code TheLgnd27

It’s simple and easy, just tap once a day and watch it grow there’s an AMA coming up soon so get in while you can

Awesome app

You need a referral code to gain access use mine if you don’t have one! eddyhollywood


Khi nào kyc toàn diện vậy administration?

Việt Nam

Tuyệt vời. Cảm ơn nhà sáng lập👍👍👍

Slow app update on iOS

Please why are updates for iOS slow?Android users have been updating to check there KYC since few days ago… But no update here yet


Personally, I think this has gone just beyond digital currency to a whole new world. Pi to the moon baby🚀🚀

Pi network tuyêth vời

Đồng tiền chung của thế giới Tạo tài khoản ngay hôm nay. Mã mời : dinhkhoind

Happy with it so far..

Only thing I would highly recommend is a notification feature for when your mining cycle ends, that brings you right back into the app. Bee network does this and it's a super helpful way to keep my mining active at all times. Also... PLEASE don't EVER spam us with advertising like Bee does. The second they started that I deleted my account and their app. No ads 👍


Excuse me, why do I always request a timeout when I enter the software?

Pi account creation

Signing up to Pi is really easy, and all you need at the end of the process is to use the invitation code which you can use mine —( tigerpi1 )—

I Love pi code:lioumonm



全网邀请码: zhangshaoqiuya 大家一起为pi生态而努力 打造一个全新的生态 加油 加油 加油 努力完成我们共同的使命

First time user

This is absolutely amazing, it provides a shop and even has wallet! It is super secure and I really love it! Downloading it might help you a lot!!!

Be part of an active mining group

minepi.com/mekamo577. Feel free to add me

Hi customer I’m pioneer passed kyc but not accepted passport GHAREEB AHMED HAJI

Hi customer I’m pioneer passed kyc but not accepted passport GHAREEB AHMED HAJI


Great concept/app . Use this referral code minepi.com/KiingZuu

White screen

Please help me fix this

for pi network team

thank you so much for this application I hope it is be well Successful successful

Invite code

Invite code is Romaso2005 Never know if it get Big

It works, but...

I've had this app and have been mining for about two years. Works great, but my biggest issue is how it doesn't notify me after mining stops, even when you opt in for a notification after 24 hours. Still haven't figured out how to fix it.

app always needs restarted to work

i leave the app open to easily find it but i still have to close it and reopen in order to mine for the day. i can click before that but it doesnt work until i close and reopen.


Legit and recommendable to everyone Join and don’t be step out Referral code- thomascudjoe

Not too shabby!

Good so far, no issues and positive for the future in Pi Coin! Use my add code!!! Courtshroombrown85 Courtshroombrown85 Courtshroombrown85

Not bad app

Idk what to write I just here cause my friends

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