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Pixel Car Racer App Reviews

The Pixel Car Racer app recently received 45 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. Users in the United States have given Pixel Car Racer app an average rating of 4.35 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 19.5K ratings since its release on Aug 19 by STUDIO FURUKAWA LLC. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Pixel Car Racer?

Ratings and Reviews
Rated 4.36 out of 5

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45 Positive User Reviews for Pixel Car Racer

Prettiest of pleases

Pretty please update my favorite game :(((

Good game!

Needs to be updated though. The last update was 4 years ago because the game has been delisted so apple please change this!

Great game but next update?

Been playing for years now and was wondering if the game is complete or there’s still updates for the game and it’s just taking absolutely forever

1 question about the game

It will be better if there was under glow light for the cars like from fast the the furious to make them look better at night curse

Please update

I’ve played this game forever and am sad to see it sit. BRING SOMETHING BACK !!!


Ah, i swear I has 5 years of playing this game with tons of progress AND FOR SOME REASON IT JUST DELETED THE WHILE THING, LIKE BRO NOW I DOWNLOAD IT AGAIN AND NWXT MONTH ITS ERASED, AGAIN. (Pls help)

Please fix this, it would be perfect.

Great game overall. But I wanna talk about one car that needs fixing/updating, talking about the NISMO R35, ever notice the red lines on it? If you try to paint on those, the red color stays, the same thing also happens with the regular R35 if you paint on anywhere where the side skirts are. Can you please make the red lines on the NISMO R35 paintable? It's not a crime or illegal if you just make simple red lines on a car a different color. Thank you!

I would give five stars but there are two problems

Could you add where there is wheelies because I have like 2400 HP and I still ain’t doing wheelies, and we need new bodykits


Is there gonna be any new updates. This game is really good and fun should add a multiplayer mode


The game is not bad I really like how you can make your own kind of decals but my one problem is that for some reason only people that play on Google are able to get the new update so if you can tell us how to get the update on Apple that would be great


We need more space lots in the garage! Multiplayer, more wheels, bodykit, everything!

Poor layout

The game isn’t bad but the button layout to accelerate and shift is terrible.

Update please 🙏🏽

When is story coming out or next update it’s been 4 years😒

Pixel car racer story mode

It gets boring after racing and no story mode unlock

Great game but 1 big problem

How is this game still not optimized to fix for any phone after the iPhone 8. It’s sad that this game isn’t playable anymore since I got a new iPhone. Issue hasn’t been fixed in 2 years is crazy to me

Pixel car🚘 racer is a really good game🎮

This game I recommend for you if you like cars and the parts of them. Here is a tip go into the setting/gearing for cars than make the first gear 0.77 and then make the rest max then you can uprade the car the go to tournaments the choose the bright one that stands out the once you are in you hold the gas to the max tire heat then the other car will be ahead at first but then you surpass them and then win. You are welcome if you read the entire thing.🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🫵👍👌🤘


good game, but where’s our update??🤨

Insane game

Can you put insane cars and parts I will be very appreciated if you did the game is insane but first person in the driver it wii be appreciated

Great game just not my favorite car

So fun to play and so addictive love the variety of cars but one thing it does not have a 1991 target top convertible FC Rx7




I love the game it’s really cool but the one problem whith the game is that I can’t shift up idk why💀


Very fun and super detailed for a phone game. If they keep putting out updates it could be one of the best phone games available.

Update for iPhone

I love the game so much but can y’all please update the game for iPhone users too?

Play a friend game mode

This is a very good game pleas add play a friend mode it would be fun to race my friends

Great game but one mayor problem

I love this game, I play this everyday but I hate when I save up 200,000$ to do a drag race and when I start shifting the gear after the light turns green and somehow it’s still a false start which me so angry cuz 200,000$ is a lot of money and I can buy parts instead of doing drag races

4 stars

Great game but only 4 stars because the new update is not on iOS that’s what I play on and love the game I play every day but iOS needs the update too

The daily reward

I love this game i only really play the drag racing, but the daily reward time needs to be changed, it will constantly end my streak and once you end it starts the time over again and you can’t start the streak and it will keep doing that, the length of time before it you have to restart, there is no way it’s 24hrs i play the game at the same time every day and sometimes more

Story mode ? And new update with more cars and part ?

Hey developers just wondering when the story mode will be finished or if it’ll be finished at all. Plus more cars and parts ? Thanks


add more engine like vtec engine or another all

fun game

please more cars 02 WS6 silverado SS blazer SS


Super fun game just iPhone and android are not equal in this game

the jan 10,2022 update

Why hasn’t ios gotten the 1.2 update like android has? is it delayed for us or did you guys not realize we didn’t get it?

How do we get diamond turbo

How do we get diamond turbo

More parking spots

I would really like to see more parking spots, six just isn’t enough I would like to see at least ten spots.

great game

this game is very good i love the gui cars and everything. but i spend money on this game and it works perfectly fine, i spent 5 bucks a little while ago and never got my crates and when i clicked restore purchases nothing happened then when i clicked it again it said store is not available please help. also great game just waiting for story mode

The best game!!!!

I played so much and had so many cars. It’s variety of cars is amazing! My favorite car in there is the Mr2 NSX and Gs300. It would be really cool if you could also have a part of game where you could drift! And if you could make an rx7 have a 4 rotor. And if there was a mountain drift map, and a street drag map, or any kind of street racing map. But this game is unique and fun. And all the wheels and body kits. This game is the BEST GAME!

Constructive criticism?

Absolutely love this game! But if i could add one feature to it, more garage spaces!!!! I’ve had to sell so many nicely built cars to build others. Aside from that, super fun game!

Awesome dead game

This game is super fun and the customization is endless. The car selection is great too. However it seems the studio has abandoned the game. The story mode isn’t unlocked and if you look at updates the last one done was 3y ago. I still play this game all the time because it’s so fun. I just wish the studio would work on it some more.

Love the game

I love the game no doubt about it, but I have a couple suggestions. How about drive terrain swaps? Or Italian cars? Maybe some retro ones aswell?

iphone 14 pro

love the game but there’s some things i can’t do because the dynamic island is in the way, i see the game isn’t getting updated anymore but i just wish i could play it even with dynamic island

Bfjfbfjfnbf c

I like it but then when I decided to delete it just to if it will give my stuff back and when I donladed it and loged in I did not give me stuff back

Pixel car racer

Good game but won’t let me update on my iPhone XR

It a good game but

Needs more parts and cars and crate motors and the car name in the dealership to see what car it is its a good game but with these I love it to much


It has been three years and there needs to be some new content along with the same stuff as Android!! Please do update it soon!!!

Game is amazing and should be worked on further

I love this game and it's super amazing and can be way more awesome. For instance car sounds can make a huge improvement, make every car sound like the engine they sport. Four cylinders should sound like Four cylinders. The engine mods should change the sound it produces as well, Such as the raw sound of ITBs or the induction sound of an after market air intake. Like i said though the game is amazing and i have nothing negative to say about this game. Further work could rack in more cheese if y