Plants vs. Zombies™ 2 App Reviews
The Plants vs. Zombies™ 2 app recently received 45 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices, and 3 negative reviews. Users in the United States have given Plants vs. Zombies™ 2 app an average rating of 4.70 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 426K ratings since its release on Sep 24 by PopCap. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Plants vs. Zombies™ 2?
426K global ratings
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45 Positive User Reviews for Plants vs. Zombies™ 2
Es un buen juego y espero el Pvz3
This game has good fiction, the worlds are good fiction, zombies are good fiction, but I wish plants were real and weren’t locked behind a paywall :(
Me encanta por que es muy bonito y muy divertido y lo más que me gusta es que puedes tener mas plantas :)
Descárgalo ya que esperas
So let’s say your stuck on a world. If the game seems your on the world for a long time, let’s say. A few months like 1 or 2, penny will ask you if you would like to skip the world, if you say yes you instally get a one use key to any world but modern day. And one you beta that world you will go back to the world you were in but that world will close back up (yet you will still have the plants form the world you went too).
Buen juega lo malo son las micro transacciones
I really like the game, it’s amazing! But I have almost 200 seeds for something that costs money to get. I really with if u have enough seeds like over 200 or something like that u could get the thing that costs money for free. That would top it off.
The game is good you are not EA
My PVZ2 keeps crashing. Just downloaded a new patch a few minutes ago.
Jan 2, 2023 In the app I have the Sound Fx & Music turned all the way down for no sound while I’m listening to music on the YouTube Music app. When I open the PVZ2 app the music I’m listening to turns way down and when I leave the app the music turns back up. I tested a few other game apps to see if this would happen but non of them effected the music volume.
I used to love playing this on my grandmas phone and a reason why is because I didn’t have it on my iPad and because of THE WORLD KEYS: you can visit any area and unlock any plants and abilities there. and I loved this because if I was stuck on a hard level I could just go to another place. BUT OF COURSE YOU REMOVED IT AS SOON AS I GET IT ON MY IPAD. pls pls pls give me those back I will always play this game if you put that back for at least a year and I will rate this 5 stars
This app crashes almost every time I play the arena matches. Either at the beginning of the game or right before the time is up it crashes and I lose my gauntlets.
12/05/2022 Tricked out of $4.99. Needed 1 more ‘Power Lily’ card to get to level 2 and clicked on ‘find more’. Then it said ‘Find 100 Pinata seeds in the store to upgrade your Power Lily’ and clicked on ‘visit store’. Bought 100 pinata seeds and did NOT get a single Power Lily card! This is not fair or correct and I feel tricked out of $4.99. Stuck with a bunch of cards that I did not ask for and not a single card that i needed. Starting to feel this is all about money and thats a shame becaus
I submitted a review/complain earlier but here is my player ID for compensations and another thing I should add is that I went from the brick league to the iron league so I need the rewards for that and I placed 3rd in it 5E92B5A7-8D26-44B8-A6B1-5372D8EEB5C1
Un clasico y el mejor de pvz
I really do not have anything to say about it other than that.
I played years ago and I’m returning on my phone this time! There is zero way I can go any further without music. U guys are amazing at music but the ost in random areas are down. I’m a big music person so this is a big problem! Please fix this there is no way I can play the neon mixtape work without it. I plan to spend money on this game but I refuse to go any further until the OST is working properly.
Tjbs op q vetyw gedsdd gavr
Please bring Back this and I really liked it when when you can just go every map in just do whatever level on the map it was good but like if there’s no more of that but I’m sorry but like I had to rated in one it was my favorite game sorry
What the heck is with the piñatas to get a cool piñata you have to spend up to 20 bucks!??!!? And taking the world key chain away… WHYYYYYY?!?! And seriously having to pay over 100 bucks to unlock all the plants… I realllly want the premium plants but I can’t buy them cause their all 1-5 bucks! And one last thing, WHY WOULD YOU MAKE THE CHOMPER COST MONEY!????!!!!?!!!!
Sub to zomvoid please It makes the best combos and worst
I’ve searched throughout google and can’t find out why “sweet potato” is not on my plant list when I purchased it with diamonds for a second time. Is this a glitch? Anyway to fix it?
Why no more gauntlets in arena mode? Greedy people running this game
I think its a great game with lots of variety, but one thing I have against it is that in the older versions, you got all keys, now you get one at a time. Hoping they bring all keys back
I updated the game and it keeps crashing making it unplayable. Please make this update for older devices, thank you, and goodbye
Pvz2 is a very awesome game. However, as I’m going the plants I haven’t unlocked, there’s a lot that need seeds and I know there was an event before. Can you guys bring back the old plants needing seeds in the arena like the levitated thing, except it’s all the old plants. I really want sling pea because I’ve heard and seen that’s it’s an awesome plant. Otherwise, very well developed game. Keep up the good work!
Amazing thanks to all
I really like this game, the worlds are interesting I beat them all and I wanted to tell you, can you add more worlds like Ancient Rome or something cool like that with new plants. That will be amazing and more free plants that will be easy to get.
So every like 5 levels thir is a hard level but not much of them Good game
Please bring back the costumes
Stop with the looooonnggggg ads for games I will never play. Looking at you Township.
There is no background music on the iPhone. Fix it quickly.
it’s a good game but I want back travel keys so plz can you bring them back
The only problem is that you have to pay for a lot of plant but still great!!! :D
This game is great for being bored just get on and have a great time not to bad or to good
But it reset all my progress. I am not happy but it happens I guess. So I wanted to get goLd blood and caukipower maybe but it reset so I not happy
I’ve played this many years ago. It’s an awesome game to come back to. My only problem is the ads, they play too often and they’re so long before you can exit. I’ve yet to find an option to pay to get rid of them.
I know many people look at this game and claim that it is “just an awful pay to win game” this is untrue. This game has fun, creativity, and is so much fun.
The game is really good though there is one thing stoping it from being a 5 star review which is the large amount of adds and micro transactions
The latest update is causing game to crash every time you open it. Please fix!
iphone11,no bgm is boring,why hasn't it been repaired
Playing this game after 9 years it’s still a good game and is fun this is my childhood and I’m keep it
3 Negative User Reviews for Plants vs. Zombies™ 2
I would rate it more but I’m stuck on zomboss in ancient Egypt because there are too many Gargantuars, so can you please get rid of the gargantuars, make zomboss run over them most time or make less gargantuars.
it doesn’t look like it used to 3 years ago.
For some reason the textures are like deep fried and buggy and low quality on my iPad and phone please fix this :(