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Pokernut Tournament Timer App Reviews

Pokernut Tournament Timer app recently received 5 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. Users in the United States have given Pokernut Tournament Timer app an average rating of 3.75 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 4 ratings since its release on Jan 18 by Manic Pixel. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Pokernut Tournament Timer?

Ratings and Reviews
Rated 4.20 out of 5

4 global ratings

5 Star
4 Star
3 Star
2 Star

Explore global reviews of the Pokernut Tournament Timer app: Spain, Italy, Sweden, France, Germany.

5 Positive User Reviews for Pokernut Tournament Timer

Solid, intuitive, and reliable

Version 1.0 is a solid release as a tourney timer. The developer is very responsive and committed to adding features while keeping the interface easy to use. I've purchased and used several poker timers (for both desktops and mobile devices), this one looks to be the best of the bunch.

Added tournaments

Great app if I can find a way to access my added tournaments! Help! I can only start the preloaded tourneys and not the ones I created. Any insight would be much appreciated.

Best UI, but short on features

All of the other similar poker apps in the store have UGLY user interfaces which I refuse to pay money for. This app however has a clean, professional UI. The trade-off right now is features. This app is missing payout structure, adding/managing players, statistics, and many of the other features that are common in this type of app. That said, the app works as advertised and for only a couple bucks I can't really complain. It would be great though if you could set the break time and the playe


Not sure what sort of problem the prior reviewer had, this worked exactly as expected for me and was very easy to use. I created custom tourneys with my own structure, blinds, antes, and payouts with ease. Much better UI than the other timers. Ridiculous bargain at $3.

Good functionality, but crashes and needs more customization

I like the app since it provides the basic functionality needed for the game. I kept trying to change the alert sound in setting and it kept crashing. Also, I wish there is a way to customize the SB and BB more than the fixed levels they have. The intervals between the levels are off.

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