Pokémon GO App Reviews
The Pokémon GO app recently received 45 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices, and 2 negative reviews. Users in the United States have given Pokémon GO app an average rating of 3.98 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 577.9K ratings since its release on Sep 24 by Niantic. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Pokémon GO?
577.9K global ratings
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45 Positive User Reviews for Pokémon GO
I wish you could tirade over seas in it and not have to be right next to friends to tirad with them
This is just the best game ever
Sometimes I get upset because I can never get in, but it is still OK. Please help me.
All these updates and I still can’t get 1 rioulu like what does a man have to do to get a lucario. It’s not even fun at that point. Yall need to do better pogo
I love Pokémon GO. It has every single Pokémon my favorite shiny beware it is so cute I’m like oh my God I have literally a shiny and purified ho. It is so cool please share your favorite Pokémon. Thanks.
You should add a joystick even if you buy it from time to time it would be great I hope you see and read this comment and add the joystick to Pokemon Go
Hi Niantic I just need to ask about 2 new items 1: shiny charm like a free research for the shiny charm 2: galar starters just we need more starters because I've been adicdid to them
I love this game and I highly recommend it if you like Pokémon
Ninantic on Christmas could you give us a guaranteed lucky trade Oh and about the game its very fun great to play with friends but I think the pokecoins limit per day should only be limited to you pokemon or at least increased, and I feel that some of the items in the shop (especially the storage items) are overpriced.
Don’t do battle NPC because they get the special every second and it’s not fair
Thu best game evaaaaaaaa!
It’s amazing you can play with other players and make friends and best of all you can meet up with your friends and go Pokémon in together so it’s just amazing five star easy. Add mega Lucario pls!!! :) thank you.
I have played Pokémon go for a while and it’s amazing except for one thing on one of the previous updates my Pokémon go started to glitch and the words would become fuzzy and blocky and my character would change colours
I was going to evolve but the CP goes down and I was wondering if it supposed to go down because everything else goes up when evolved.
I powered up my Gardevoir and wow, it said it should be 2000 CP, but it’s not. It took all my stardust but not the candy, too! What the heck?! :(
Found a shiny pokemon then my game crashs nut still good
Needs an update for the iPhone 14 pro models. Some of the content is cut off with the notch.
The only issue is that if you have a long distance friend and you become lucky frends it’s worth absouloutly nothing
I remember playing this when I was 5, but now I can’t play it because it says; “please update”. But I can’t update it.
There are a lot of bugs like when you click a Pokémon it takes a while to respond. I’ve also clicked a Pokémon and it broke out first try and this happened a lot. No matter what you do, give it an ultra ball with a golden berry to a 12 CP and it will still brake out first try. It’s still a good game overall though, they should add mega balls.
I really like this game. It’s been so addicting for me and I really enjoy it. One bad thing is when I encounter a Galatian zapdos it spawned right inside another Pokémon. I was so sad because I wasn’t able to get the Galarian Zapdos.
I like the game a lot but for some reason there isn’t an are you sure you want to purchase option
I loved this game since I started playing it and I still love it!!!!
Please let us get out of AR mode without pulling the Pokémon out. It’s the most stressful and annoying dysfunction of this app
Me encanta este juego lo q me gustaría es q aya mas probabilidad de atrapar shainies
I want a Kangaskhan as it is one of the 6 last Pokémon in my Kanto Pokédex along with Vileplume, Dewgong, Arcticuno, Moltres, and Mewtwo but unlike the others which the majority of can be caught in the wild or evolved from another Pokémon (the only who can’t is Mewtwo) Kangaskhan which is apparently super common in Australia can’t be caught anywhere else I am just asking for Mewtwo to return to raids soon and Kangaskhan to appear in the U.S. soon.
Pokémon go is awesome and all but here are some things that u should add or things I don’t like and what u should fix.1.u should add that more people can add in the gyms people are looking all over for a gym but u can battle and get the gym.2.when u look in gyms people and me sometimes see a bunch of Pokémon together it’s kinda funny to tho. 3.u should add that u can hug hugging u can do once a hour or add something else that u can do with ur friend please I have more stuff but am to lazy to wri
No words to be said🥕🥕🥕🥕🥕🥕
Fun game and premise. However it feels like the app needs a code overhaul/optimization. It’s very slow at times to access certain parts of the game and the accuracy of touch inputs is somewhat poor compared to other apps/games I’ve used. Also be prepared not to catch anything sometimes. I’ve had 18 excellent curveballs in a row with golden razz berries fail.
This Game Is The Perfect Pokémon Adventure Game!
i really love playing and it gets me out of the house and moving
Be prepared to waste your time battling for legendaries and such. You can spend a bit getting enough people to do a raid or spend money to buy remote raid passes and then maybe defeat the boss. But then you can sometimes get perfect throws with countless poke balls and golden razzberries and not even come close to catching it.
The Pokémon battles need a lot of work or people need to stop cheating
This game always keeps me entertained even tho some times it get boring after i raid and do gbl battles.
To who it may concern Just want to start by saying I’m long time Pokémon fan and also been Pokémon go fan. Been playing Pokémon go on and play fr now for about 6 yrs or so (Camkuz). As for me I feel like my remote area Roswell, NM and also towns near by has the same Pokémons. If it’s possible maybe you can rotate Pokémons every quarter making it available to catch now Pokémons and shinny Pokémons as well. Thank you for your time and hope you take my review in consideration
So I’ve been playing this game for a while like 2-4 years, I’ve gotten great exercise and enjoy the game a lot, I have friend who like to trade but I have since moved from my hometown. So I think a great idea is to allow worldwide trading so you don’t have to always be within 100 meters of a friend and you can just trade from home or whatever so you can do your daily irl stuff and still trade without the hastle of going to a whole place away. Hopefully this does get implemented, but if not that’
The title says it all
This game is very good, but pvp is way too selection dependent. Not even the level matters or skill as much as the type advantages and rotation of Pokémon.
I had my day off from work to do some hunting and I’m missing a few of my Pokémon I don’t know if there’s a glitch going on and I had a 4072 garchomp and it’s missing. Has anyone else had Pokémon go missing?
This game is super fun and I enjoy it a ton but there is just one problem I run into and I can’t really play the game and it’s full level that reason is that you need wifi to play this game I play on my iPod and have no cellular so when I walk somewhere I can’t catch the that Pokémon super fun game but you should be able to play without wifi
Jumped the gun in my first review
Hey yo this game is awesome can you make more games like this but like where you don’t have to sign in and everything legit this game is awesome bro I mean so legit like the game is awesome bro but like it’s just so so it’s better than I can even talk bro
Instead of just swiping through to send gifts and receive gifts why not add a checklist-type system and checkmark all your friends who sent you gifts and they receive gifts all at once
2 Negative User Reviews for Pokémon GO
The game is good and is very playable unfortunately there are many bugs for it lack of storage, revives are very rare unless you have money and due to the updates really bad avatars. Game is somewhat playable but for now it’s just in ok.
Pokémon Go was one of my favorite games in 2016. It had an amazing tracking feature with the footsteps. They have been adding nothing but bad updates to the game since. Yes adding new Pokémon to the game is a big plus always. But here comes not terrible updates, changing our appearance in game was an awful move. Removing hips/curves from female characters so we can look very unnatural? Changing the style of characters was the most unnecessary thing you could do. What is the point to that?